Daily Discipleship for Children

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7

“The cost of discipleship is high, but the cost of non-discipleship is even higher.” David Platt


  • Call your prayer partner for your 10-minute prayer call. If you are having continual difficulty connecting with your prayer partner, pray and ask God for wisdom about what to do. If you feel that she is no longer interested in praying together, simply call her and ask her about it. She may have a good reason for being unable to pray. Always assume the best! If she says that she can’t be your prayer partner right now, pray and ask God to bring you someone else. Be on the lookout for this new prayer partner. God will bring her to you!
  • Pray that God will reveal His desires for your family as you seek Him.
  • Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9, and write verses 4-7 in your journal.

Daily Discipleship for Children

There are a multitude of voices in today’s society beckoning us as mothers to follow their advice, each with their own passion and fervor. They preach the “best ways” to feed, parent, discipline, and educate our children. If we are not careful, we can easily find ourselves drowning in guilt over our decisions and differences. But there is one Voice, filled with freedom and ringing clear above the rest—it is the voice of the Lord—and His voice is the only one that truly matters (Galatians 1:10).

Dear Sister, God’s commandment to us as mothers is very clear. We are to teach our children about the Lord, to involve Him in every aspect of our day, and to train our children in His ways. What a privilege we are given! As parents, we are the only people in the lives of our children charged with directing them on the path of righteousness! Therefore, if we do not feed them on the Word of God, who will?

We are called to raise children who are worshipers of God, who grow up to be satisfied in His love, and who are awestruck by the King of the Universe! Considering our current culture, it is important that our children know who they are in the light of Jesus. When the world entices them, our children must recognize their identity and value are found in Christ alone (1 Peter 2:9).

To disciple our children in the Word and ways of the Lord, it is imperative that we ourselves follow Him daily! When we shine the light of Jesus, worship Him with our whole heart, and share His tender mercy and grace, we take the first steps in making disciples of our children!

God is equipping you to bring Christ into your family life. His yoke is easy, and his burden is light. He will give you the wisdom and desire you need to direct your children!

As a starting point in creating a family culture focused on discipleship, below are a few ideas to help you direct your children daily to the feet of Jesus. We are praying for you as you seek the Lord and point your children to Him!

1. Worship Together Through His Word

  • Choose a time of day to consistently practice family worship. Include your husband, or make it a special time with just you and your children. Read God’s Word or a children’s devotional, and discuss as deeply as time and your children’s maturity allow.
  • In addition to your own Bible, here are some of our favorite resources:
    Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Action Bible by Doug Mauss
    Leading Little Ones to God by Marian M. Schoolland

2. Memorize Scripture

  • Many free online resources offer Bible verse memorization plans for young and old children. Older children may also enjoy the Fighter Verse App for jumping into Scripture memory.
  • God’s Word is like honey on our lips (Psalm 119:103). Keep something sweet on hand as a treat when practicing weekly Bible verses. Children will form a positive association with studying God’s Word and hiding it in their hearts.
  • Scripture is a treasure to our souls. Reward children for verses memorized by keeping a “treasure box” filled with little gifts.

3. Sing Praises

  • Make a joyful noise to the Lord (Psalm 98:4)! Sing praise songs to Jesus. Your children do not care whether or not you have a beautiful voice, and neither does the Lord!
  • Play worship music throughout the day to keep hearts focused on the Lord.
  • Check out Songs for Saplings or Seeds Family Worship. These songs are a fantastic way to deliver Scripture to children.
  • Choose a meaningful hymn for your child that they can cling to through times of joy and trial. Additionally, for a fantastic children’s hymn study, check out Hymns for a Child’s Heart by Joni Erickson Tada.

4. Pray With and Over Your Children

  • Make a prayer jar filled with the names of people and topics to pray over. Choose a couple each day and pray together.
  • Download a prayer calendar on The Voice of the Martyrs website to guide you in praying for those around the world who need Jesus.
  • Pray over your children in the quiet of the night after they are asleep. Pray that they will have a heart to know God (Jeremiah 24:7), that they will be salt and light for Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16), and that they will know and show the love of their Father (1 John 4:19). There are many Scriptures to pray over your children!
  • Quickly pray out loud with your children when they feel frustrated, sad, hurt, or sick. Thank God together for daily joys.

5. Bring God into Every Aspect of the Day

  • Notice God’s gifts with your children. The chirping birds, the cool breeze, the flickering flame of a candle—all are God’s love gifts to us. Take it a step further by keeping a family journal to track God’s little blessings.
  • Encourage your children to be the hands and feet of Jesus. How can they show the love of Christ to people within your home and lives? Let them brainstorm, and help them put one plan into action each week.
  • Share with your children what God is teaching you. They will replicate the relationship they witness you pursuing with Him.

Blessings and Love,

Tara and the Help Club for Moms Team

Questions to Ponder

  • Which of these ideas resonates with you? Will you commit to bringing the Lord into your child’s daily life?

Faith-Filled Ideas

Start small. Pick a couple of ideas, and work toward daily consistency. Soon, you will have developed a habit that will instill the gospel and an amazing love for Jesus in your children’s hearts. These habits will follow your children throughout their lives. However, this list is not a formula for success. You must seek the Lord to find what will work for your own unique, beautiful family.



Tara Davis

2 Comments on “Daily Discipleship for Children”

  1. Thank you for sharing these great and inspiring ways to bring Jesus into the home and ways to take children deeper.

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