Beauty: Week Two Mom Tips

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit!

  • Call your prayer partner this week. Commit to keeping your prayer time short and on topic. Write down any requests she had and pray over them for the rest of the week.
  • Complete all the Help Club for Moms Bible studies this week.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband!

  • Write a note (or send a quick text) to your husband this week telling him five things you love and appreciate about him.
  • Encourage your husband to read the Bible to your children this week. Choose a time that works well for everyone and where no one feels rushed. Bedtime or right after dinner are great times to pull out God’s Word and read as a family.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children!

  • Cook with your children this week. Have them take the lead in following the recipe and let them try to complete the task themselves. Stay close to help with any cutting or stove-top tasks. Remember to tell them how good of a job they did when you are enjoying the fruits of their labor.
  • Begin your day with praise and worship music during breakfast. This is a simple way to create a calm and loving environment in the mornings. Encourage everyone to sing along while they eat their meal.

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home!

  • Empty your dishwasher first thing in the morning three days this week. Now dirty dishes can go right in the dishwasher and not languish in the sink. Start the dishwasher when you head off to bed, so the dishes will be ready in the morning.
  • Meal plan for the following week by Thursday. Make a detailed grocery list while you plan and check your pantry before you go shopping to avoid purchasing duplicate items. Stick to your meal plan for the entire week.
Leslie Leonard
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8 Comments on “Beauty: Week Two Mom Tips”

  1. Hi,
    I am Rita Gyima from Ghana (West African).

    I really love The help club for moms, i have no regrets for joining.

    It has made life so much easier for me now.

    Thank you the help club moms team for the good job.

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