Draw Your Children Close This Summer

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3 (NLT)

Draw Your Children Close This Summer

It is finally summer! But instead of simply viewing this time as a break, choose to see it as an opportunity to purposefully pour the love of Christ into the hearts of your children! This is the season to strengthen your relationship with your children and point them again to their Savior!

Just as our Good Shepherd gathers us close to His heart, He is calling you to draw your little lambs close to yours (Isaiah 40:11). As you intentionally tie heartstrings of love with your children, you will have a more effective impact on their lives and their walks with Jesus. Be faithful to the work of motherhood, my friend. You are making an impact on eternity!

Here are some ideas to help make this summer the most precious, influential time with your children:

  • Morning Time – While your children are eating breakfast, you have a perfectly captive audience! Read a short devotion or Proverb and discuss, pray together, and recite a Bible verse. Choose a hymn for the summer and sing it every day. This is a great way to begin the day—with hearts focused on Jesus!
  • Snuggle Parties – Take time to cuddle your children (or even just sit together)! Lay blankets outside at night and gather close while looking at stars, or grab a big stack of books and pile in bed together to read aloud. You could also sit with your children on the couch and talk about anything they want to discuss! Just be together!
  • Creation Glasses – God has given us eyes to see His fingerprints all around us! Notice God’s wonder in creation with your children! Start a nature box or table to collect and learn about God’s world. Point out the majesty of our Creator to your children!
  • Play Time – Take a few minutes out of your day to do something that your kids enjoy. On days when tension and frustration run high, do something physical together to alleviate some of the stress.
  • Thankful Contests – Keep a family list of things you can thank God for. Always be on the lookout for small blessings and write them down!
  • Prayer Stops – Be intentional about praying for your children this summer! Pray out loud over them, blessing their lives and thanking God for specific qualities they exhibit. Make note of one or two verses you can pray for each of your children this summer.

Blessings and Love,

Tara D. and the Help Club for Moms Team

Go Deeper:

  • The Lord so very tenderly draws His children to a right standing with Him. Hosea 11:4 declares, “I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love, and I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them” (NKJV). Take a few minutes to consider the Lord’s love for you! Friends, let’s be ambassadors of Christ’s love in our homes as we apply this verse to our relationships with our children.

What’s Next?

Five years ago, my children and I began a journey to add a little fun to every summer day. We called it “No Bummer Summer.” Every day, I would come up with one fun thing we could do as a family. For example, we would have water balloon fights, car races, science experiments, game days, park days, homemade ice cream parties, and so many other things. Make a list of fun things to do this summer and pick one to do each day. Your family will love it, and your relationships will flourish.


*Today’s devotional is taken from The Wise Woman Stays. 

Tara Davis

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