Mom to Mom with Tara Davis

Hello Friend,

These golden days of summer are so beautiful as your children desperately soak up the last rays of warm sun on their skin, the cool evenings playing outside until the sun sets, and each free minute doing the things they love most. But even beautiful things can stretch long and wear a mama clean out. Are you there yet? Are you ready for a little time off from the long loveliness of summer?

I feel as if I am daily needing a reminder that this time with my kids is so precious. They are only young once. The continual stream of pillow forts, mud tracked into the house, sticky fingerprints on the windows, and perpetual requests for snacks will quickly pass before these boys of mine will stand taller than I and won’t need me in the same way they do now.

I want to finish well. I want to finish this summer in a way that will bring glory to my Savior. How can I wake up to God’s calling on my life in these last days of sunshine and freedom before the school year begins again in earnest? How can l walk through these days with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)?

I can wake up each day, ready to live for Jesus as a mom! I can lovingly make special plans that I have put off all summer and take joy in spending time playing with my boys. I can pray aloud with them during moments of conflict, that God will give them (and me) a spirit of peace. I can use patience when dealing with the messes and kindness in my words to my children. I can show them a picture of goodness in the decisions I make and faithfulness as I spend daily time with the Lord. I can respond with gentleness and self-control when I am frustrated. I can serve the Lord in these days with my children.

And if I can do it, sister, you can do it too, because with God’s strength all things are possible (Philippians 4:13). He is carrying you through these last days of summer with your children. How will you choose to finish well?

So much love to you!
Tara Davis and the Help Club For Moms Team

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17

Tara Davis

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