Mom Tips: Summer of Joy Week Eight

“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit

Write Isaiah 41:10 in your journal, on your mirror, or on a note card. Memorize the verse by the end of the week. Pray the Scripture over your family.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband

Show that you are happy to see your husband when he comes home from work for the day. Be sure to smile when he enters the home, and give him a hug and/or a kiss! Let him know by your actions that he is loved.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children

Every morning this week, wake up in the morning for your children instead of to your children. There is a difference. Set your alarm to get up before your kids, and then smile and tell them you are happy to see them when they wake up.

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home

Utilize the Weekly Plan Sheet and take 20 minutes Sunday afternoon to plan your week, strategize, and set yourself up for success. You can find this at our website in the sidebar on the left under “Plan Your Week!” Also, Take a few “15 Minute Cleaning Sprints” this week. Set a timer and work as fast as you can in one area of your house. Vacuum, dust, or clean a bathroom. You will be surprised how much you can get done in 15 minutes!

Leslie Leonard
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