Saturate Your Day in JOY!

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement…” Philemon 1:7a

What an immense blessing this is… to be “mama” to our sweet little ones! We are the ones their sticky hands reach for. We are the ones they long to snuggle into, hot breath, sweaty hair and all. We have the privilege of celebrating their every tiny, proud accomplishment and carrying them through their darkest days.

Don’t overlook these little things, mama. They are limited and finite. God entrusts these wild, wonderful creatures to us for just a short time before their wings are strong enough to carry them on to whatever journey God has for them. Will you choose to love this time with them? Be intentional with your joy this with your family my friends! And let your incredible love bring joy to the hearts of your sweet kiddos as well.

What can YOU do to saturate today in joy? Can you lean in close when you feel like pulling away? Can you have a snuggle party, a dance contest, or a water fight? Can you choose to not yell about the colossal mess, but make a game of cleaning it up together? Can you draw silly pictures with your little artist? Take a walk and let your explorer stop to look at every bug, rock, and mysterious weed? Stay up too late with your sweet one, just to talk?

BE the mom you want to be! Nothing is standing in your way except you. Love those little ones right where they are, struggles and all. Let your love fill their hearts to the brim with joy this summer. I promise that a feeling of joy will infuse their memories long after they have forgotten all of the little activities you did. You are the mama they need, and you hold the joy their little hearts are longing for!

Go to to learn more about this life-changing program!
Tara Davis

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