A Savior Worth Celebrating

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)

“Christmas is a love story worth celebrating: A Savior, giving up all strength to come down to earth as a baby, to save His beloved.”
  • With your Bible in hand, find a comfortable spot to have your quiet time with Jesus. Pray that the Lord will bring peace to your spirit and speak to you today.
  • Read and meditate on Luke 2:1-21. Write the verse that most stands out to you in your journal.

A Savior Worth Celebrating

My sweet friend, I know you have been trying so hard. Sometimes the weight of Christmas pulls at us, unleashing such pressure to perform, to live up to the expectations of others, to create a magical season for those around us. We lose our peace; we let go of our focus. We set our sights on making it through the holidays. What if it were different? What if Jesus could remain our family’s focal point, our reason for celebrating?

What an amazing gift we were given that night over two thousand years ago! Since the birth of sin into the world, humanity had been struggling. People had been consumed by the weight of sin, living in a world wrapped in darkness and self-inflicted sadness. We never could have saved ourselves from ourselves. However, God had a plan! We needed a Savior, a Messiah. We needed Jesus.

Our King came, not with strength and power, but as a weak, vulnerable babe. Because of this, He understands our weakness; He knows what kind of love we need. Hebrews 5:2 reveals that, “He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since He himself is subject to weakness.” We can celebrate His tender understanding for each of His precious children!

Out of His great love for us, Jesus took on flesh. Ephesians 1:4 (ASV) whispers encouragement to our hearts, “…he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love.” Christmas is a love story worth celebrating: A Savior, giving up all strength to come down to earth as a baby, to save His beloved. We can celebrate Him because of His loving desire for us!

During His life on earth, Jesus went to impossible lengths to rescue us. As we grasp onto Him, He holds us and never lets us go. He is the love that never ends, the essence of hope, the restorer of peace, the giver of joy. He is “Immanuel, which means God with us” (Matthew 1:23). We can find peace in Whom we are now able to belong. We celebrate Him because of who He is and His undeniable adoration for us!

He was born for YOU, dear sister! The Lord is abounding in steadfast love for YOU (Psalm 86:15)! He is the only one who can bring you peace, who can understand your heart, and who can love you as only a Savior is able. This week we will be given the honor of celebrating Him! He is absolutely worthy of every single ounce of praise we are able to offer!

Blessings and Love,

Tara D.

Questions to Ponder

  • Are you feeling worn out by Christmas preparations? Take a moment to ask the Lord to renew your focus on Jesus this week. He loves when we come to Him and is always willing to guide us back to His love!
  • Think of one thing you can do to bring glory to Jesus this week. Can you commit to spending time with Him everyday, even though your days are busy? Maybe you can plan a special time with your family to truly praise the Lord for the amazing gift of Jesus.

Faith-Filled Ideas

Would you like to celebrate Jesus in a memorable way this Christmas? This celebration can take place on Christmas Day or in the days prior. You can choose to do as much or as little as you want. Do not let the addition of a Jesus Celebration bring any additional weight to your Christmas, and do not feel pressured to make this celebration complicated or elaborate. Just do what works for you!

The following ideas serve as an example of a few ways to make your celebration special!

  1. Read His Story: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
    It is important to share the story of our Savior on His birthday! There are many great versions of the story of Jesus’ birth for children. I read out of the Jesus Storybook Bible. However, you could read straight from Luke chapter 2 as well! As you read, make sure to discuss any thoughts or questions your children have.
  2. Every Party Needs a Cake!
    Having a cake for Jesus is a fun way to celebrate! We made a cake with symbolic meaning (although picking up a cake from the grocery store would be just as delicious). No birthday celebration is complete without singing, “Happy Birthday!” As you assemble and decorate your cake together, it is wonderful to share with your children why Jesus came. We decorate the cake as part of our celebration just before we cut and eat it! It is fun to let your children decorate as you talk about the cake’s meaning! Remember, this cake does not need to be a Pinterest perfect cake! Your kids will have fun making it and the combination of Scripture, sugar, and fun will hopefully sink into their hearts in a deep, lasting way. The cake may end up looking like a pile of frosting, but, in the end, the sweet memories will be so worth it! (Mom tip: If you do not have cake decorating supplies, simply fill a ziplock bag with your frosting, cut a small bit off one of the corners, and decorate away!)
  3. Sing Praises to the Newborn King!
    Join your children in worshipping our Savior with Christmas hymns. The angels, shepherds, and Wisemen worshipped baby Jesus, and we should as well! There are so many amazing Christ-honoring Christmas carols you can sing with your children. We praise the Lord with, “Away in a Manger” and “Joy to the World.”
  4. Lay Your Gifts at His Feet
    We do a Jesus gift box each year in which we place gifts from our heart to our Savior. For a better explanation of how to do a Jesus gift box, be sure to watch Deb’s video at: https://vimeo.com/149602537.


Tara Davis

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