Mom to Mom Tara D.

Precious Mama,

Are you feeling like you’ve failed before Christmas has even begun this year? Are you like me? Presents still unwrapped (even unpurchased), cookies unbaked, to-do lists unchecked? While feeling overwhelmed by the things I have not had time to accomplish this month, the Holy Spirit spoke His truth to my heart: “This season, this Holy-Day, is not about you or your Pinterest boards. It has never been about finishing the books or the crafts or the Advent Calendar. It’s not about buying the perfect present for that person in your life. Those things do not matter when cast in the light of Jesus and His love. This time is about Him.”

These next few days could become a mad rush to do more before Christmas Eve. Instead, let’s bow our hearts in worship to our God. Humbly give Him your meager offerings that He can turn into miracles.

It may be too late to put together handmade gifts for my neighbors, but I do have all the time in the world to lift up my praise and thanksgiving to Jesus for the amazing gift of Himself.

Let go of those unmet expectations and allow Christ to bathe you in His grace in these next few days. Let Him wash away all of those expectations, stresses, and feelings of failure, and replace them with His perfect peace.

Transition your heart from a place of striving and stress to a place of worship. We do not need more cookies or fancy wrapped presents under the tree. We need more Jesus. We need His presence in our hearts and homes. That is what will make this Christmas truly beautiful.

May you relax and anticipate celebrating your perfect Savior. He is truly the only thing that matters this Christmas.

Much love to you! Merry Christmas!

Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (KJV)

Tara Davis

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