My Character House

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1

Our character is like a house that we live in. We must choose to intentionally build our character, one board at a time. We can trust our Savior Jesus, who is the Master Builder, to guide us each step of the way. And when we have Him as our foundation, our house is built on solid ground!

A character home that is well built and taken care of is a comfortable place to live and welcomes others in with the light of Jesus. However, it is easy to destroy our character house. Each time we choose to do the wrong thing, we tear apart our house one board at a time, leaving us with a home that is untrustworthy and in shambles. Trust God to help you intentionally build your character house today. Allow Him to be your foundation and your guide!


  1. Print out a character house sheet HERE!
  2. Brainstorm the character qualities your child would like to be intentional about building.
  3. Write those qualities on the boards of the home. Help your child brainstorm situations that would build these character qualities in them and conversely, situations in which your child would be tearing down their character house.
  4. Pray with your child and ask the Lord to be their foundation and guide them in the way they should go.


Tara Davis

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