Good Friday Breakfast

Good Friday is a beautiful time for us to remember the amazing gift Jesus gave when He willingly died on the cross to rescue us from the punishment of our sin, and to offer us the opportunity to choose a life lived in Him. Would you like to do something tangible with your kids to honor our Savior and make this day more meaningful in your home? We have an idea for you!


  • Make hot cross buns to remember the cross Jesus died on for us.
  • Set the table with a nail and slip of paper at each place setting.
  • Help your children make a wooden cross out of scrap wood and nails or branches and string. (Alternately, you can make a cross out of paper, even old paper bags. Keep it simple!)
  • Read aloud the account of Jesus’ death in Matthew 27:32-56. You could also read from a children’s Bible if you have tiny kiddos.
  • Ask your kids to think of a sin they struggle with and write it, with your help if necessary, on their slip of paper. Then nail or tape the slips of paper to the cross. Talk about how Jesus chose to die for those very
    sins with which we struggle. We do not have to be bound by those sins any longer!
  • Consider the forgiveness and freedom we can find in Christ and pray together.
  • If your kids would like, they can rip their papers off the cross and burn them in a glass cup or jar. When we give our lives to Christ, He frees us from our bondage to sin. You can dip your finger in the leftover ashes and make little crosses on each child’s hands. Jesus makes beautiful things from the ashes of our lives.
  • Turn on some praise music, dance, and worship Jesus together!

Remember, it’s okay to keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful. Sisters, it is so beautiful that we are learning how to have a Christ-focused Easter together!

Find the printable HERE!

Tara Davis

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