The Oil of Worship

“To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” Isaiah 61:3a

When we look at the story found in 2 Kings 4:1-7, we meet a widow crying out to the prophet, Elisha, in desperation. Her husband has died, leaving her and her sons with a large debt and no means to pay for it. The creditors were threatening to take her two sons as slaves to pay the debt. This was a family that loved the Lord and had served him, but they found themselves in a dire situation with no answers. Bad things happen to good people, and serving the Lord doesn’t make us immune to serious problems.

Elisha asked the widow what she had left and she replied, “Nothing except a jar of oil.” Oil in biblical times was a precious commodity, but she had so little.

He commanded the widow and her sons to collect vessels from her neighbors and to start filling them with oil. This was a strange request, but the widow was obedient and stepped out in faith. As she poured the oil, it miraculously increased. She filled all the vessels until there were no more. She had enough to pay her debts and for her and her sons to live off of.

The widow needed a miracle and she thought that Elisha had provided it. The truth is that she already had the miracle in her possession. The miracle happened when she willingly surrendered what little she had; for that is when God multiplied it.

I know that many of you are feeling the weariness and the weight of the times that we are living in. You may feel desperate and that you have nothing left to give. But do you have just a little oil? Could you step out in faith and trust God with what little you have and offer him the oil of your worship?

Come before Him just as you are and bring all you have, no matter how small, and lay it at His feet. The Father is truly moved by the oil that you bring. Your spirit starts moving to the heartbeat of Jesus, and you will never be more full than when you give all you have away.

It is in the sacrifice of praise that God multiplies what you bring and the miracles happen!

Blessings as you worship,

Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team

To connect with Susie, please go to @Between the Gardens at or follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

Susie O'Neal
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