Cultivating a Friendship With Jesus

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach, and to have authority to drive out demons.” Mark 3:13-14.

God has chosen you to be a mother. It is a mighty blessing and a high calling, but it is not easy.

One thing that I learned as a young mom was that I could not do it on my own.

I needed to spend time with Jesus. I needed his guidance, his wisdom, and his strength. What I discovered was that he was more than willing to equip me with everything I needed to fulfill the tremendous task of raising two little girls, but first, he just wanted to be with me.

He wanted to be my friend.

Close your eyes and imagine that for a moment. The all-knowing, all-powerful, mighty, everlasting King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to be with you.

He longs to call you— friend.

When Jesus walked upon the earth, he chose twelve disciples to walk with him. He didn’t need them to fulfill the mission that he had been given by the Father. He didn’t need them to heal the sick, raise the dead, or cast out demons, but he wanted them.

I believe that Jesus was not only teaching and equipping his disciples for the mission to which they were called, but he also wanted to show us that he longs for a continuous association and intimate fellowship with him.

He wanted us to see that, first and foremost, he wants us to abide with him. Then, he will teach us and provide us with everything we need as our lives as moms unfold.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33.

Before the disciples could have miraculous power, they had to know the source of Power.

Before they healed the sick, they had to know the Great Physician.

Before they preached the message, they had to know the Message.

Before they raised the dead, they had to know the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Before they cast out the evil one, they had to know the Holy One.

God knows the difficult job that he has placed before you, and he will provide all the help, guidance, knowledge, and strength to do it, but first, grow in your knowledge of him and cultivate a friendship with him.

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!

Blessings as you rest in the arms of the One who just wants to be with you,

Susie O’Neal and the Help Club for Moms Team


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Susie O'Neal
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