The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Your Husband: Companion Guide

Today is the day to expect miracles in your marriage! It is so easy to let our vision become myopic, focusing on our problems or the qualities we would prefer to change in our spouse or our marriage. But what if instead you were to lift your shield of faith, placing all your hope in Christ to do a work in your own heart first and then your husband’s heart in a way only He is able? What if you prayed Scripture for your husband instead of complaining about him to the Lord? What if you expected healing in your marriage instead of allowing discouragement over hurts or disappointments to rule your mind and actions? Seek God’s desires in your marriage today and then expect miracles as you follow Him and allow Him to work in your heart and life.

But what are God’s desires for your marriage and for you as a wife? Look no further than God’s Word to find out! Luke 9:23-25, Ephesians 5:25, Colossians 3:18, 1 Corinthians 11:3, John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:7-8, Colossians 3:12 and so many more passages give us insight into what God desires for us as Christ-followers within marriage. Search Scripture to find out about God’s heart for you! Pray today that the Lord will change the desires of your heart to reflect God’s heart for your marriage.

Commit to seeking His Word for truth and then praying these truths for your marriage. Believe that God is mightier than your struggles, and seek Him for your identity and your peace. Look to His Word for wisdom, and believe that He is doing something new in your heart and in your marriage, even if you are not able to see it just yet. As God’s desires for your life are realized and you begin to walk in obedience to Him, His miracles within your marriage will begin to unfold. He knows our needs more than we do and loves us more than anyone else ever could. Follow the truth found within the Word of God, seek the Holy Spirit on how to apply it to your life, and watch God work in your heart and in your marriage. Today is the day for miracles!

With Love,

Tara Davis

Pray with Me:

Pray Ephesians 4:1-2 over yourself first and then over your husband as well. Always approach praying for your husband with humility. “Lord, as I am Your servant, help me to live a life worthy of the calling You have placed on me. Help me to be completely humble, gentle, and patient. Help me to bear with my husband in love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Have a Talk with God:

Read Psalm 51:10-12 and ask God to give you a new heart as a wife. Ask Him to reveal to you what a clean heart in Him looks like. Write the attributes below that God desires for your new heart in Him as He reveals them to you. Ask the Lord how you can pray for your husband and ask Him to give you Scriptures to pray over him.

Tara Davis

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