The Importance of Christian Friends

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12.

Two and a half years ago, my husband and I moved from our hometown to a new city three hours away. There were many difficult challenges about leaving everything we knew and loved behind, but one of the most difficult was leaving my sweet friends.

I had an amazing group of Christian friends that were so precious to me. Many of us had been friends for almost 20 years. We had raised our kids together, rejoiced during happy times, held each other during difficult times, and prayed with each other through it all. In many ways, I can honestly say, that those girls were more than friends, they were family; and saying goodbye broke my heart.

Moving to a new city also brings its own set of challenges. I spent many months dealing with homesickness. During those times when I was feeling disoriented and sad, I realized that I didn’t have one friend here that I could call to help me. I felt so isolated and alone and I knew that this was not what God wanted for me.

God designed us for community and Christian friends are truly a gift and an important part of our lives as women and as mothers. As moms, we can get so busy juggling the everyday routines that we neglect taking care of ourselves. Part of that requires us to find other women who love Jesus and can edify our faith, help us in our times of need, pray for us, and most importantly make us feel accepted and loved.

As an introvert, it is not easy for me to put myself in social situations where I do not know anyone, but I decided that if I wanted to make friends, I was going to have to step out of my fears and trust that God would help me step in to some new friendships. I went to a women’s bible study at my new church just a few months after moving here. I was extremely uncomfortable as I sat in the room with women who all seemed to know each other.

They were all kind and welcoming, but I felt very out of place. However, as I continued to go to the study every Monday, I began to get to know them better and realized that God had given me a tremendous gift by placing me with these women. Now, two years later, I have eleven new best friends who are genuine, funny, kind, loving, giving, and I am so grateful for them. They support me, pray for me, and we have so much fun sharing life together.

I encourage you to find ways to connect with other Christian women and moms. Help Club is a great way to start! You can even step outside of your own peer group. Older women can be a solid source of wisdom and guidance as they have traversed roads that you have not yet stepped on. Younger friends can give you an opportunity to be a mentor to them.

Pray and step out in faith and know that God has special women that he wants to place into your life. Remember that there are women out there who are praying for someone like you, and always let Jesus be the third cord in your friendship strand!

Blessings as you cultivate your Christian friendships,

Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team

Order Susie’s new book, Abundant Rain  a 40-day devotional from Amazon today, by clicking the link.

Susie O'Neal
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