A Father’s Day Especially for Your Heavenly Father

Happy Father’s Day to all of our AMAZING Help Club Dads! We love you all and thank God for you!

And a BIG Happy Father’s Day to our Heavenly Father!! You are SO GOOD and we love you SO MUCH!! Here is a beautiful activity to celebrate our INCREDIBLE Father God!

A Father’s Day Especially for Your Heavenly Father

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Last Father’s Day, as I was worshipping at church, the Holy Spirit whispered to me something so simple and yet so profound. He told me that Father’s Day was for my heavenly Father as well—in fact, not just “as well,” but more accurately, especially.

He is the original Father upon which all good fathers are based. And thank God for all of our fathers and husbands! But the original Father is God. The best and only perfect Father is God. And on Father’s Day, He should be celebrated above all.

As soon as I realized that I should be celebrating God on Father’s Day, I was so overwhelmed by His goodness to me, and I immediately felt that I should write Him a Father’s Day card! When I sat with Him to write Him my “card” (it was really just an entry in my journal), it was such a powerful experience that I wanted to share it with you. If you try this, you will experience it for yourself!

I don’t know about your family, but in my house, cards are a big deal. Apparently, according to Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, my family loves “words of affirmation.” Although really, who doesn’t?! When my kids write cards for Father’s Day, they each lovingly craft a message for daddy. Their creations usually consist of multiple messy pages of heartfelt and interestingly spelled words, colorful pictures, and verses. They eagerly present their cards to him, giddy with excitement to see his delight as he reads through each page with a warm smile and twinkles of amusement in his eyes. It’s almost as if they are holding their breath to see and hear his response. Nearly giddy with excitement they ask, “Daddy, do you like it?” And unfailingly, their daddy crinkles his eyes into a huge smile, gathers them up into his arms, and tells them, “Yes, I love everything!” Can you just imagine that scene? Is that what Father’s Day looks like in your house too?

Now imagine that you are writing a card for God. What would you say? What would you thank Him for? Would you give Him a gift? What would it be? Now imagine His response to you. Would the corners of His eyes crinkle up with delight and His mouth break into a huge, genuinely joyful smile as He listens to the words of your heart? Would He gather you in His arms and tell you how incredibly much He loves you, your card, and your gift?

Now that you’ve done some imagining, it’s time to put it into practice. Father’s Day is today, and I encourage you to give this exercise a try sometime today or this week. As you honor your Heavenly Father on this day, it will bless not only Him but you as well! Thank Him for who He is for you. Thank Him for the lessons He has taught you in this last year. Thank Him for the good things in your life. James 1:17 tells us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Wow! Every single good thing in your life comes from God—now that is a good, good Father. Just let the Holy Spirit flow through your writing. You may be surprised at what comes out of you!

As you write, consider what you would like to give your heavenly Father as a gift. Perhaps you want to give Him the gift of your time: commit to getting up earlier to spend quality time with Him this year. Perhaps it’s the gift of surrendering your whole heart to Him: ask Him to reveal anything that is standing in the way of you giving Him everything in your life, and commit to making a change. Perhaps you want to give Him the gift of seeking Him above all: commit to looking for Him everywhere in your life, reading His Word voraciously, listening for His voice, and being increasingly sensitive to His Spirit. And perhaps it’s all of the above or more!

Now, give God your card and gift. And ask Him, with that same childlike excitement and expectancy, “Do you like what I gave You?” Wait for His answer, and make sure you write it down. You will be overwhelmed by His love!

💜 Friends, God is a good, good Father who loves His children so very well. Even if you can’t always see Him working, even if you can’t always hear His voice, and even if you don’t always feel His presence, He is always there. He is always with you (Matthew 28:20b)

💜  He never leaves you or forsakes you. You are His very own daughter, precious and honored in His sight, and He loves you (Isaiah 43:4).

💜 He has good plans for you ( Jeremiah 29:11).

💜 He gathers you up in his arms and carries you close to His heart (Isaiah 40:11).

💜 He sustains and carries you (Isaiah 46:4).

💜 He fights for you (Exodus 14:14).

💜 He is always working for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

💜 Nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). And so much more!

Celebrate your Heavenly Father this Father’s Day! His love for you is SO GREAT!

In Him,

Linda and the Help Club for Moms Team

Linda Steppenbacker

2 Comments on “A Father’s Day Especially for Your Heavenly Father”

  1. Dear Linda,
    I have been searching for someway to help my two girls and their three friends, Who are also girls, focus on their daddies this Father’s Day.

    You see, my two girls lost their daddy back in 2012. We were missionaries in Papua New Guinea and he was killed there by a falling tree.

    Two years ago we encountered a family with three girls who also lost their daddy. It is sometimes hard to know what to do and say in encouragement to someone who has had a loss. I know it is also very hard to think of your loss especially when everyone is celebrating Father’s Day.

    I want you to do something for all five girls, but not dwell on the loss, but on what they still have.

    I know the Lord brought me to your website, because it just brought tears to my eyes on how we should always focus on our heavenly father and all the gifts that he showers us with.

    A lot of times in life when we go through loss we had a setback in our spiritual life as well. I am not sure with any one of these girls how that has affected them in that way, but we never can go wrong in pointing them back to their heavenly father.

    I just want to thank you again for what you have posted here and how you have so wonderfully arranged every word to bring meaning to the real and true father that we have.

    I pray that God will continue to use you in your family and those that you come in contact with him pointing them to Jesus.

    Your friend
    Pam Lello

    1. Hello dear Pam,

      I am so sorry that we haven’t answered you before now. Linda is now doing foster care and has had two babies under two for a bit. Please pray for her.

      I love your heart so much. I am so sorry for you and your girls; I can’t imagine how you have walked through all of the pain and loss. I am praying for you.

      Thank you for sharing your story and how you have helped the three other girls who lost their dad. You could have kept your love to your own girls but you chose to reach out. You truly are a missionary and a lover of our Lord, Jesus. I am so honored to have you here with us at Help Club.

      Much love,
      Mama Deb

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