A Woman’s Heart is the Beauty of the Home

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians 5:1-2 (NASB)

“Don’t shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him.”  C.S. Lewis


  • Call your prayer partner for your 10-minute prayer call.
  • God is calling you into His presence. Bow your heart in surrender to Him today. He has a better plan for your life than you could ever imagine. Follow Him!
  • Check out Ephesians 5:1-2 in your Bible, and write it in your journal. Look up the rest of the references as well for more in-depth study. Always check what you read or hear against God’s Word. We are all fallible, but the Bible is your ultimate source of truth and wisdom!

A Woman’s Heart is the Beauty of the Home

My friend, do you long to make your home a beautiful place for your family? We each have unique ways of feathering our nests. You may be a pro at decorating, have a keen organizational ability, or enjoy preparing scrumptious meals for those you love. God formed us with an innate desire to fill the world around us with beauty in some way (Ephesians 2:10). At the crux of it, we have a heart for creating a safe haven for our family, a refuge from the storms of life in which they feel comfortable, loved, and cherished.

There are a multitude of resources detailing ways to decorate, cook, or create a life-giving atmosphere in your home. However, I would challenge you to take that desire to the Giver of Life Himself. Let Him reveal His plan for your home and your heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). Despite all our best efforts, it is only when we walk in the light of Christ that our homes become the safe haven for which we are longing.

It is not so much about the beautiful atmosphere and nourishing meals you create. Candles, food, and decor are wonderful, but it is a mother’s soul, beautifully lit with the glow of the Holy Spirit, that fills a home with comfort, peace, and security (Romans 15:13). When you are walking in the Spirit, my friend, your loving words and a gentleness that can only come from Jesus will fill the corners of your home and the hearts of your family. They will be drawn in by your kindness and joy, and they will be enthralled with the love of the Father as they see you walking with Him (Matthew 5:16).

Christ shining through you is what makes your home beautiful. Be the mama who looks past your aging home finishes and the smattering of toys strewn on the floor, and allow yourself to shine with the dazzling love of Jesus. This is only possible when you are absolutely captivated with the Lord yourself! Only when you want Him more than anything else in this world, when you pray that He will give you a desire for Him, and commit to spending time with Him daily, will you begin to radiate the love of Jesus to those within your walls.

Proverbs 14:1 tells us that “a wise woman builds her house.” Are you building lasting, eternal qualities into your home, or is your construction only as deep as the color of your walls and the décor on your mantle? We can spend hours combing through decorating blogs. We can even build a brand new, trendy home with special, magical spaces for our children. We can light candles, turn on music, and pop homemade chocolate chip cookies into the oven, yet still have a home devoid of beauty—a home bankrupt of love, joy, and all the things God desires for our families.

His love in us is manifest in ways that bring peace and comfort to all who enter our home. He tells us that our beauty “should be…the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:3-4). Let the beauty of your home be found in you, my friend. Set your heart on things above as you tend to your home and all of your precious ones within (Colossians 3:1).

Now this is the work of motherhood, dear sister. It doesn’t just happen overnight, and it is not a personality trait nor an inherent skill. Creating a safe haven home is the work of the Lord, as we walk with Him, study His Word, and let Him form us into the mothers he has created us to be (Colossians 2:6-7). Live every day for Him. Breathe in and breathe out the love of Jesus. Keep leaning into Him and His Holy Word this week, mamas! The Lord is building your house and your family through you!

Blessings and Love,

Tara and the Help Club for Moms Team

Questions to Ponder

  • Take a really good look into your heart today. Does your family see Christ in you? Does your countenance shine the light of Jesus in your home, or do your family members walk on eggshells, trying not to upset you? Pray and ask God to change you. I am praying the same thing for myself and for you, my friend!

Faith-Filled Ideas

The most soul-transforming decision you can make as a believer is spending time daily with the Lord: reading His Word, talking to Him, and meditating on His precepts throughout the day (Joshua 1:8). In this way, we should model ourselves after Moses who consistently climbed up a literal mountain to spend time with our most holy, awesome, beautiful Creator. Through their fellowship, the Lord caused Moses’ face to shine, to radiate as evidence of God’s glory to all he came in contact with (Exodus 34:29-35). Let that be your motivating desire, that your whole life would shine from just being with God, in His presence. “Climb up the mountain” daily to spend time with your Father, regardless of how hard or inconvenient it may be. If you do this, my friend, your home will not need candles or glitzy furnishings to provide a beautiful atmosphere, because you will be radiating the warm glow of Christ’s love (2 Corinthians 3:18).


Tara Davis

3 Comments on “A Woman’s Heart is the Beauty of the Home”

  1. Thank you for embedding Scriptures in the text! I love how this message just keeps pointing us back to Truth— We can only Shine in Jesus when He fills our hearts with his presence , empowers our faith and indwells us with His life changing Spirit!

  2. These words of encouragement speaks volumes to me! Thank you so much! I love how you weave Scripture through your writing, not as a seasoning, but as a foundation to everything you share. You’ve given me a reminder to live out the beauty that God has given to me, not the beauty that He has given to others.

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