Beautiful Poetry: Cultivating Your Spirit

“Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” Matthew 13:8

Truly, there is something so poetic about planting, cultivating, and growing; the scent and feel of nutrient-rich soil, the warm rays of sunshine kissing the earth, and the vibrant emerald shoots reaching toward the heavens. Remember the first time that you planted a seed—perhaps in a little paper cup, filled with dirt, carefully you watered your little plant while you waited for the light, water, and soil to perform a wonderful transformation. I still feel giddy when I spot the first sprouts in my garden bed, indicating new life, and find pleasure in the work of faithfully caring for my garden. As it matures into something miraculous, I am filled with such peace and joy. 

This is the beauty of cultivation. Mirroring the God-designed needs of nature, we, too, must have sunlight, rich soil, and water to grow and mature. Yes, our Master Creator is a God of structure and we see evidence of this incredible consistency throughout creation!

So what does it mean to absorb sunlight into ourselves? We look to the Light of the World, Jesus Christ. And, just like when we enjoy laying on a fabulous lounge chair or beach to soak up some rays and receive our much-needed Vitamin D, we must soak up His presence through consistent time in His Word and in prayer.  

Additionally, the soil with which we surround ourselves is key to our spiritual growth and  maturity. What do I mean by “soil”? I refer to your environment, friend. Who are you spending time with and how are they impacting you? We are called the salt and light of the world  (Matthew 5:13-14) because we carry Christ’s presence with us, but that can be a delicate balance.  As we desire to love our friends and neighbors who do not share our faith, we must examine whether we are endeavoring to spend more time with our brothers and sisters in Christ or with other friends or family, who may be destructive influences. 

Further, how are we spending our time? Because it impacts my spiritual well-being, and thus, my family and friends, I must be cautious in what books I choose to read, what shows I choose to watch, what social media I’m using/how often, and what music I choose to listen to. If I’m regularly engrossed in something that does not encourage me in my walk with Jesus or proclaim the truths of His Word, it will not help me grow.  

Finally, the much-needed saturation in our lives is found in the Holy Spirit, the Giver-of-Life, often represented by water in the Bible. Every morning as I lie in bed praying with my husband for our day and every evening as I pray with each of my four children, I invite the Holy Spirit:  “Holy Spirit, come. Have your way in my mind and heart today. Fill this place with Your peace and presence. Renew my mind and heart, in Jesus’ name. Fill me with Your wisdom, peace, and joy; may it be contagious for Your glory…amen.” This dialogue continues throughout the day, so I can grow and multiply the work of Christ as a daughter of the Most High, a godly wife, and a godly mama. 

Lovely mama, we are all growing in Christ and we all have weeds that try to strangle our growth, so ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the weeds in your soil that are robbing you of growth and maturity and trust God to help you pull them as He is the Master Cultivator of your spirit! 


Blessings and Love,

Bek Measmer and the Help Club for Moms Team 

Bek Measmer

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