Blessing Days

Summer Day 6

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ย By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.โ€ John 13:34.

Blessing Days

Want to know something that is vital for you to hear today? God loves you!

You may hear people say that in passing at church, your pastor tell the congregation, or someone say it when you are having a rough day. But He does! Do you need to hear that today? Is your heart heavy or burdened? His love is deep- it a jealous love- and it is a perfect love!

Listen to what this verse has to say about the way God loves you and me:

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

God has a rich, profound, joy-filled love for us. He commits each day to loving us in this way! We are so blessed! As we read in our key verse today in John 13, God wants us to extend this love to others. As mamas, He wants us to extend it to our children as well!

Love is something that needs to be intentional. It can happen naturally, but most often it is well thought out and carefully executed. I was recently talking with a sweet mom of seven about how to be a good mom, and she said, โ€ You know what I did every day? I loved my kids. I loved them well. I spent time with them, and I told them about the Lord every opportunity I had.โ€

To just love our children may seem very simple but it is so powerful! It is the little ways we love daily that really add up!

Go Deeper:
What are some ways that you can intentionally love your children this week?

Pray and ask God to help you to be like Zephaniah in the verse above, rejoicing over your little ones, quieting their souls with your love, and exulting over them with loud singing.

Whatโ€™s Next?

Take a few minutes to journal. Write down a few of the ways that you have felt loved by God through the course of your life. It could be memories, experiences, or maybe promises He has kept in your heart. Write down at least five to ten!

Plan a โ€œBlessing Dayโ€ for each of your children this summer. Choose this time to shower each individual child with your love and undivided attention. You can treat him or her, with something like a trip to get ice cream, a special movie night, or a tea-time. Show the love that you know their little soul needs. You will bless them immensely and create a lasting memory!

Put the โ€œBlessing Daysโ€ on your calendar!

Document your time! Take a few pictures along the way, get them printed, and write a special note on the back to your child. Tell how much you enjoyed loving on that child and how special she or he is to you!




Krystle Porter
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10 Comments on “Blessing Days”

  1. John 13:34 Ryan and I just declared as our family verse!

    I take my kiddos on one on one dates pretty regularly. However I LOVE calling them “blessing days” that is just genius!!!!

    This was just beautiful Krystal! Such awesome reminders and great new ideas!

    I also love your bio! Sounds like we have much in common! I hope we get to meet face to face sometime soon! ??

  2. I love your idea of documenting the time together and get the pictures actually printed and write on the backs of them! That would be a special way for them to remember for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Great study, thank you!

    1. Yes,I agree and I feel the the documenting is for sure to make it a warm and fuzzy memory for each of them! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. What a sweet idea Krystle!! It’s so important to love our children individually and to recognize them for the blessings that they really are! I LOVE the “blessing date” idea! What a wonderful way to practically show love your children!!

  4. Krystle, what an encouraging study! This makes me excited to show each of my children just how special they are. It’s easy to lump all the kids together…thanks for your great idea of taking them out separately for a date! I can’t wait to begin!

    1. Marijo, I tend to lump mine together too! I hope you get to spend some special time with each of your kids!!

  5. Such beautiful encouragement, Krystle! God gently continues to layer upon my heart to love my children well. Thank you for this sweet reminder to love!

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