NEW Podcast: Mothering Babies

We have a special treat for our moms with new babies! Whether it’s your 1st, 2nd, or 5th baby, today’s podcast is for you! Join Deb, Kayla, and Jamie for encouragement and advice from seasoned moms of many little ones … Read More

Walking By Faith in the Dark

NEW PODCAST! Conversations with Deb and Mari Jo: Walking by Faith in the Dark Living in today’s world can cause us to feel anxious and discouraged. Everywhere we look, we see brokenness all around us. But we have Good News: … Read More

The Courage to Stay Committed

It’s so easy to give up on our calling and our commitments as women, wives, and mothers, but God wants us to keep going and never give up. We need to keep going with an iron will, just like Jesus … Read More

Healing From Trauma and Triggers

Trauma and triggers can steal our joy right out from under us. Triggers seem to come out of nowhere and can set us back for days. Memories from past traumatic experiences cause us to act in ways we would not … Read More

Mentoring with Deb: Don’t Stop Praying!

Friend, God hears every one of your prayers and will answer. Don’t give up praying!! Join Deb for prayers and encouragement to help you keep going and keep standing in prayer! Click this link to watch the video! Click this … Read More

Powerful Prayers for 2021- Part Two

We are talking about Jesus’ great love today. He loves each one of us so much and so intimately! Join Deb and Linda as they share personal stories of Jesus’ love for them and talk about how each one of … Read More

Powerful Prayers for 2021 – Part One

As we start off 2021, we here at Help Club want to change. We want to know God better, to grow in our individual relationships with Him, and we just want MORE – more of Him in our lives, more … Read More