Club de ayuda para mamás (Help Club for Moms)

Hola mamá!

We are VERY excited to announce the launch of our very own Help Club for Moms Spanish podcast: “Club de ayuda para mamás podcast!”

We are so amazed at the work the Lord has been doing here at Help Club! We now have a whole team of amazing women devoted to reaching the Hispanic and Latina moms of the world with the love of Jesus- all in Spanish!

Words cannot express how grateful we are for the group of women who have volunteered for this project. Alma Aguilar, Vivian Barraza Mancilla, Raquel Brenes, Maria Inez Lizardo-Gomez, and Karen Barberena are AMAZING women of God, who have a heart for sharing the Gospel with Spanish-speaking women around the world!

Head on over to Facebook where you will find a new private group devoted to this ministry! Click HERE and join today where we will be featuring Spanish translations of:

  • Podcast devotionals every Monday-Thursday
  • Mothering Mondays episodes with Deb
  • Mom Tip Fridays

Help Club for Moms is a volunteer organization, and we are seeking funds to start this amazing opportunity that will spread the love of Jesus Christ to the precious mamás of the world! You can partner with us in this endeavor HERE!

Please add “Club de ayuda para mamás” in the comment section of the transaction to ensure your donation goes into the appropriate fund. Your support is such an important part of this ministry- we LOVE you! Thank you for helping us share the Word of God with moms around the globe!

With love,

Mama Deb and the Help Club for Moms Team

Deb Weakly

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