God has Big Plans for You!

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11

God has Big Plans for You!

Do you feel like your life is too messy to be used by God? Is your marriage, child, thought life, anxiety, depression, disorganization, or insecurity too difficult a puzzle? Maybe, if you get your life together first, God could find some beautiful purpose for you?

Sweet mama, those are lies from the enemy, spoken to you with the intent of making you ineffective for God (John 8:44). Jesus is bigger than your problems, and He wants to use you amid your struggles to bring Him glory (I John 4:4b). In fact, God often uses our hurts and failings to produce His greatest work in us (Isaiah 61:3)!

I have to be honest, I’m right there with you, my friend. Life tends to be hard. I never guessed that the Lord would allow me to serve and disciple three incredible sons. Furthermore, not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine that He would have me here with Help Club for Moms writing these letters to you!

Believe that God has a ministry for you too, regardless of where you are in your life and in your walk with the Lord (1 Peter 4:10). Ministry does not just take place in a church or Bible study, however. Ministry is the everyday loving, serving, and encouraging of those around you. Soften yourself to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Is He asking you to talk to someone who is lonely, bring a meal to someone who is sick, or encourage another mama in a challenging season with little ones?

The Lord wants to use you right now, right where you are (Philippians 2:13). However, make no mistake; He will use your ministry to others to minister to you! He will not leave you where you are but will work in your heart to make you more like Him. As you serve and encourage those around you, He will grow you spiritually. He will heal your heart as He uses you to heal others. While you lean on God to fill in your places of inadequacy, He will teach you who He is and who you are in Him. As you see to meeting the needs of hurting people, He will meet your needs in ways you will never comprehend! Do not wait; the time to seek God’s purposes for you is at hand! Trust Him to use you where you are now and to eternally change you during the process.

Blessings and Love,

Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

Go Deeper:

Stop putting off your ministry until “someday” and start praying that God will show you ways in which He wants to use you now. Pray that God will give you wisdom and open your eyes to His purposes for this time in your life. Journal any promptings of the Holy Spirit that come to your mind and lay them back down before the Lord.

What’s Next?

Regardless of whatever else God has planned for you, your family is your first and most important ministry! Without a doubt, God is calling you to love and serve your husband and children. You are the best one to share the good news and love of Jesus with your children daily, and you are your husband’s primary source of affection and encouragement. The difference you can make in the lives of those closest to you is astronomical!


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Tara Davis

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