Everyday Celebrations: Making Each Day Special Tara Davis

Everyday Celebrations: Making Each Day Special

By: Tara Davis

Hey mama! Do you ever feel weighed down by the mundane duties of life?

Me too! But I want to constantly lay my weary heart before Jesus and let Him fill me with joy and purpose in a new way. I want to be a mom who enjoys each day with the little people God has placed in my life! I want to fill our home to the brim with laughter, grace, and God’s Word! I want to put a drop of special in each ordinary day! And the benefit of all this? My kiddos listen better, even during times they generally don’t want to. When I am a mom who reaches their hearts with fun, I see them respond more readily to messages I so desperately want to teach them—the messages of Jesus, His love, and His plans for their lives.

Do you want to fill your home with an extra dose of joy too? A fun-loving mama tills fertile soil in the hearts of her children into which she is able to plant seeds of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, and holiness. Join us in having fun with our kids today! There are so many ways to engage your children’s hearts, and everyday celebrations is just one of them. Here are a few simple everyday celebration ideas to enjoy with your kids today!

  • Stargazing Party – Grab some blankets and pillows and set them up outside for a night your kids will love! Make some hot cocoa and enjoy laying outside together watching the night sky! See if you can find constellations and shooting stars. Talk about the vast beauty of God’s creation.
  • Dance Party – Turn on some music and have fun with your kids. To really pump up the fun, grab some dollar store glow necklaces and have a dance party in the dark!
  • Unbirthday Party – Make a simple treat, even a scoop of ice cream with a candle will do. Wrap up something from around your house (an old toy that was a favorite, a bottle of bubbles, even something silly like a hairbrush or the television remote control), and listen to A Very Merry Unbirthday Song (you can find it right here: https://bit.ly/2JQ2Jdi). Then, grab the treat you just made, and sneak around the house to the front door. Ring the doorbell, turn on the music, and surprise your little ones with a silly unbirthday celebration!
  • National Fort Building Day Party – National Fort Building Day is not actually a real holiday, but you sure can pretend it is one! Let your kids build the fort of their dreams with your help! Use couch cushions, blankets, sheets, furniture, boxes—the sky is the limit! Hang some Christmas lights inside, bring some snacks or books, and spend time in the fort with them.
  • Snuggle Party – Grab some blankets (my kids like to make a giant nest with them for all of us) and snuggle. Talk, read books, or play a game to make the snuggle party special, but the main purpose is just to lavish a bit of love on your kids!
  • Special Movie Night Party – Pull the mattresses off your kids’ beds (or use an air mattress) and put them all together in front of your television for a special movie night! Pop some popcorn or do a little snack buffet in the kitchen with food you have on hand and make the night extra fun!
  • Pizza Party – This is no ordinary pizza party, though you could turn it into one if you would like! Gather your kids and check out the book Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig (you can watch the book being read right here: https://bit.ly/2qluRy2). Then make your kids into pizzas! All you will need is some torn up paper for cheese and maybe a sprinkle of flour. Your kids will think it is hilarious!

Pray and ask the Lord how to connect with your children’s hearts in an extra special way. Be sure to tell them each day about God’s love and about how much you love them too!

Find the printable HERE!

Tara Davis

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