Giving Your Kids the Gift of Wonder

Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

God has created this magnificent world as a love-gift to us! How can we instill wonder at God’s creation within the hearts of our children?

Here are some ideas for you!

1. Get outdoors every day with your children! Whether it is for a walk around your yard or to hike a trail, spend time together exploring God’s creation.

2. Start a nature collection. Designate a space – possibly a bucket, box, or table – for your children to place all of the interesting rocks and leaves they pick up outside. Cheap magnifying glasses make observing these new discoveries even more interesting!

3. Have your child keep a nature journal. Use a notebook or sketch pad to draw or write about the beautiful things they observe in nature.

4. Notice the small beauties in God’s creation. An intricate leaf, drop of dew, or colorful sunset are all conversation starters to introduce your children to the concept of noticing the fingerprints of God all throughout our natural world.

5. Together with your children, thank God for His amazing creation. As you notice little blessings in the world around you, be sure to praise God out loud for those gifts!

Click here to print the “Giving Your Kids the Gift of Wonder” printable!


Tara Davis

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