God is Here with Me Now

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

Did you know it is possible to believe in Jesus without embracing the fullness of His presence and joy in your life? In Lesson 5 from the Joy Challenge, Tommy compares our potential lack of closeness with the Lord to a husband and wife who share a home but experience little attachment and intimacy. Just as marital intimacy requires effort and attention, walking daily in God’s presence requires practice as well (Proverbs 3:5-6).

We can deepen our intimacy with the Savior by thanking Him continually throughout the day for all the small blessings He gives us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We can release our mistakes to Him through repentance and saturate ourselves in Scripture, which is His love letter to us.

Soon, we will grow to find ourselves living a life of joy, spurred by His abundant grace (2 Peter 1:2)! We will hear His whispers of love, and our hearts will soften to His wisdom. My friend, God wants to refine you and minister to your mama-heart through His Word and His Spirit! Do not sacrifice that opportunity for the sake of being your own leader! Walk in the presence of Christ and allow Him to guide you on His path of joy!

Blessings and love,
Tara D.


  • As Tommy suggested, a lack of intimacy in marriage can greatly deplete your joy! Take a moment to pray about how you can infuse more closeness into
    your marriage today.
  • Begin by reflecting on your thoughts toward your husband. Each time you experience a negative thought about him, immediately replace it with a positive one. Remind yourself of the qualities you love about your husband and praise him for these attributes each day. Pray blessing and Scripture over your husband and endeavor to become his number one encourager!
  • Memorize James 1:19-20: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man’s [a wife’s] anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires.” Apply it daily! When you are living in unity with your spouse, your heart will be open to the joy the Lord has for you.


Spend ten minutes reconnecting with your spouse today without any distractions. Turn off your cell phones and spend some time really talking with one another.

Tara Davis

5 Comments on “God is Here with Me Now”

  1. Your joy-filled idea about replacing a negative thought about our husband with a positive one is so wise. I always remind myself to think the best of my hubby. He loves me and is on my side. Annnnnddd….that is the same about God! It is tempting to get mad or bitter when things don’t go our way, but that only weakens the overall relationship. I love you, Jesus!!!!!

  2. I LOVE this so much! This part is my favorite! “My friend, God wants to refine you and minister to your mama-heart through His Word and His Spirit! Do not sacrifice that opportunity for the sake of being your own leader! Walk in the presence of Christ and allow Him to guide you on His path of joy!”
    Thanks Tara!

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