Hide It In Your Heart

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11

“The words of this Book have a way of filling in the missing pieces, of bridging the gaps, of turning the tarnished colors of our life to jewel-like brilliance. Learn to take your every problem to the Bible. Within its pages you will find the correct answers.” Billy Graham


  • Dear sister, today I want to challenge you to memorize the simple Scripture above; it’s short and easy. After you’ve asked the Lord to quiet your heart so you can hear from Him, write Psalm 119:11 on an index card and read it a few times until you can recite it. It’s important to memorize Scripture so that we don’t sin against the Father! Look at this verse often to encourage you in this endeavor. Ask the Lord to refresh your memory of the Bible verses you’ve attempted to memorize in the past. The Holy Spirit will remind you and help you as you desire to store up more of God’s Word in your heart.

Growing up, I was blessed to be raised by an on-fire Christian mama. We sang Bible songs in the car, went to weekly Sunday school, attended numerous Vacation Bible Schools in the summer, and rocked out to praise music at home while we cleaned the house. It was an everyday occurrence to sing songs about Jesus and talk about the Bible. Today, as I reflect on those memories, I am awed by my mother’s steadfast, godly example. Because of her, the Word of God has been sown in my heart from a young age. Lyrics from those old hymns and worship songs effortlessly come out of my mouth. I will often start humming or singing a song that I haven’t sung in years—songs I’d forgotten I even knew! The Holy Spirit frequently brings those songs, as well as Bible verses and stories, back to my memory. What I’ve realized is that a wealth of Scripture has been imprinted on my mind that I never intentionally studied. Sister, what are you watching, reading, or listening to? More importantly, what are you hiding in your heart?

Whether you were raised like I was, with layers upon layers of biblical truths sinking into the depths of your heart, or are just now understanding your relationship with Jesus, it’s never too late to equip your soul with God’s Word. As Christian women, we need to have clarity about our identities as daughters of the Most High. Do you know what God says about you and how precious you are to Him? It’s right there in the Bible in black and white and often in red letters that represent Jesus’ own words. Jesus loves us! He died on the cross for the redemption of our sins so we can enter into His presence and belong to the family of God!

We need to know who we are as Christ-followers and know all the promises that God wants to impart to us through Scripture. If we don’t know what God’s Word says about how to be a Christian mom or how to make our marriages strong, then we are at risk of going the way of culture, rather than God’s way. Mamas, we need to be filled up with God’s Word so we can be empowered with truth! If you don’t know where to start with your journey into Scripture, gather some friends for a Bible study. And make sure to spend time reading on your own. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and understanding. I promise, He will be faithful to provide it to you!

When we study God’s Word and fill ourselves up with it, God’s plan will be revealed for us individually, every step, if we ask Him. He genuinely wants to speak to each of our hearts and make Himself known to us. And there’s more good news: God’s Word hidden in our hearts will surface when we need to be reminded to be strong, to put off fear, to trust in the Lord, and to remember that we are loved unconditionally. “For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (Luke 12:12 ESV). Wow! Did you read that? The Holy Spirit will teach us what to say in the hour that His Word is needed! That is so comforting! We are not alone, mamas!

There was a time in my early motherhood when I taped handwritten Scriptures all over my home. I wanted to be filled with God’s Word and see it at every turn. I strategically placed “You are the light of the world” over the light switch, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you” over my desk, “The eye is the lamp of the body” over the television, “First seek the counsel of the Lord” inside my coffee cup cabinet, “Be completely gentle and humble” over the kitchen sink, and “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” by the front door. Deuteronomy 6 encourages us to keep the Word of God in front of us, to talk about it when we rise and when we lie down, when we are walking on the road, and to write it on the doorframes of our houses. Try placing your favorite verses, or those that you want to challenge yourself to learn, on your walls, in your cupboards, on the bathroom mirror, or even in your car! When you surround yourself with it, you’ll be surprised how fast you will become a storehouse of God’s Word.

Love and Blessings,


Questions to Ponder

  • How are you teaching yourself and your children Scripture?
  • Are you worshipping on a daily basis? Do you play praise music in your home or in your car?
  • What new method of placing the Word of God in front of you, are you willing to adopt?

Faith-Filled Ideas

Motivate yourself to learn God’s Word so you can wield it in every season of your life! Sing hymns and praise music early in the morning, so that His words will be on your lips all day. Commit to reading and storing up God’s Word so that it flows out of you.  download a voice recording app on your phone to listen to Scripture. Get a notepad or spiral-bound index cards to keep at the kitchen sink or utilize chalkboards or whiteboards around your home, to keep verses always in front of you.

Rae-Ellen Sanders
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