Homeschooling with Heaven Sponsor Spotlight: Academy of Life & Leadership Taekwondo

We would like to thank Academy of Life & Leadership Taekwondo for their sponsorship of Homeschooling with Heaven 2024!

Without their generous donation, this conference would not be possible!

If you are looking for a well-rounded taekwondo program that offers attention to detail, family, community, and success- then look no further! With two convenient locations at Citadel Mall and Chapel Hills Mall, all ages can experience their community-driven focus while learning leadership skills for all areas of life. For more information visit:


Thank you, Grand Master Barb Kunkel of Academy of Life and Leadership Taekwondo!

***We can’t wait to see all of you amazing mamas at the Homeschooling with Heaven Conference! Click this link to grab your online or in-person ticket:

Deb Weakly

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