I Launch Each Day With God

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:33

Today, I want to challenge you to begin each day with God.  As busy moms, it’s easy to want to sleep until our children wake us up in the morning. However, waking to the demands of the day is no way to optimize our joy.  To have a joy-filled day, we need to schedule our first minutes with our Heavenly Father.

We have access to the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe!

Wake up at least 15 minutes earlier each day for your Early Morning Joy Ritual. What can you do in that time to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually?

  1. Saturate your mind with Scripture.
  2. Develop a prayer routine.
  3. Review your personal mission statement, goals, and priorities.
  4. Be still and remind yourself that God is in control.
  5. Take time every day to re-surrender every area of your life to Him.
  6. Contemplate the size and scope of God. Remind yourself that any problem is small compared to your Heavenly Father.

When we fill our hearts and minds with Scripture first thing in the morning and refocus our hearts on God’s purpose for our lives, we are in the best position to love and guide our family with joy.  Create a quiet time basket that has everything you need for your time with God. Gather your Bible, journal, devotional, Bonus Joy Builders, music, and anything else that will help you create a joyful start to your day.

Blessings and love,

Jennifer Valdois & The Help Club for Moms Team

Jennifer Valdois
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