In the Breaking of the Bread

Happy Easter!

Ladies, would you strap on your sandals, grab your favorite cloak, and take a walk with me down the dusty, dirt road that led to Emmaus. It is not the familiar Easter story, but it did happen on that blessed day and it is important.

We can only assume that the story of Jesus’s crucifixion would have been the talk of the town. It is strange that as these two men spoke, neither of them mentioned the miraculous news of the empty tomb that morning. It is clear they did not believe. They remained confused and discouraged as they mourned the death of the One they followed and loved.
As the wind blew and dust swirled around them, the travelers came to a stop as a stranger began to walk with them. How could the perfect resurrected Jesus walk with them and they didn’t recognize him? Perhaps Jesus wanted us to see that he does walk with us during our darkest times, but we continue to look at our circumstances through our human eyes and not our spiritual eyes.
The scene on the road reminds me of Matthew 18:20, “Where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them.”
This should give us great hope, Mamas, for if he was in the midst of them, he will be in your midst as well. Jesus asked the two men what they were talking about. The two men seemed shocked and Jesus smiled shyly. How desperately patient  our sweet Jesus is when we tell hm things he already knows.
At the end of the road, the men invite Jesus to dine with them. So there they are, the three of them, reclining at the table over pleasant conversation as candles and lanterns flicker and toss light into the darkened room. And then Jesus broke the bread and the eyes of the two men were opened and they knew that it was Jesus. They found him in the breaking of the bread.
Today, of all days, I pray that the eyes of your heart would be opened and they would be burning as the Holy Spirit reveals the truth of who Jesus is and the redemptive power of the cross; the miracle that transpired as he rolled the stone away and conquered death, hell, and the grave.
The living, resurrected Jesus is walking beside you, will you recognize him?
Be blessed this Easter morning,
Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team
Susie O'Neal
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