“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a

The Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, discipler of your children, homemaker, and friend.

Print out this list and keep it on your fridge all week. Pick one or two things to try and check them off as you do them. 

You can also do more than what is suggested. We all are in different stages of our lives.         You do you! 


  • The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit: Write Psalm 90:12 on three sticky notes and put one at your kitchen sink, one on your bathroom mirror, and one in your car. Say this verse out loud as much as possible for the next two weeks. Try to notice God answering this prayer, and write down what He says to you that helps you to “number your days.”
  •  The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband: Plan some date with your husband for the next two weeks. It can be very simple. In fact, here’s a wonderful idea from one of our HCFM Moms, Anelise Couch: “A dear friend gave my husband and I the idea to lay out on the driveway, look at the stars and talk. Quickly it became one of our favorite dates. Grab a hot or cold drink and enjoy! It is romantic, special, and no babysitting is  required.”
  • The Wise Woman Loves Her Children: We each only have a certain amount of time to love, train, and disciple our children. This time used to raise up children who love Jesus is time well spent. Your children are sponges and love to learn about things that are important to their parents, so be sure to use a portion of your time each day to encourage your children to love and know God better. Talk to them about Jesus. Tell them that Jesus loves His children and loves it when we talk to Him. Teach them to pray for other people. Read verses about prayer to your children such as 1 Thessalonians 5:17  “Pray continually.” God wants us to pray all the time and to remember to pray for other people.

Don’t forget to pray and pick out a hymn for each of your children! You can take a couple of weeks for this Mom Tip. It’s a great way to share your faith with your children!

  • The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home:

This week, we are going to be tackling an area in your home in just 15 minutes a day for 2 days this week. I learned this great idea from my favorite organizational author, Emilie Barnes.

  •  Pick a place in your home that needs to be organized. It could be a kitchen cabinet, a closet, a set of drawers, etc..
  • Get 3 big, black garbage bags and label them as “Throw Away,” “Give Away,” and “Put Away.”
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes and get to work in that area.
  • After you are all done with your area, set a timer again and then deal with the garbage bags. Throw away and put away, then keep your “Give away” bags in an area of your home or garage until you can take it to a charity or give it away. But make sure to deal with that bag asap too!
  • Area to clean this week:______________________________________________________

On Saturday, take a moment and plan out your menus for next week and your shopping list. Get your shopping done and chop all of your vegetables for the week ahead of time. List your meals here:

Monday         ________________________________________________________________

Tuesday        ________________________________________________________________

Wednesday  ________________________________________________________________

Thursday      ________________________________________________________________

Friday           ________________________________________________________________


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