Love Your Husband Challenge: Day Two

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Do you struggle with negative thoughts toward your husband? Do you ever feel hopeless in your marriage? This is not God’s intention for you as a wife! He wants you to think pure, admirable, true thoughts. As you think about your marriage, so it becomes! Begin today by becoming a wife who finds the best in her husband and who makes those positive qualities the focus of her thoughts and the highlights of her marriage!

Faith-Filled Idea:

Make a list of attributes you appreciate about your husband. Even if the list is short for now, I promise it will grow! Every time you think something negative about your husband or marriage, immediately replace that negative thought by thinking on the things you admire about your man. It is amazing how, over time, this practice will change your perception of your husband and your marriage! It feels good to notice the good!


Lord, help me love my husband more today than ever before. Remind me of the qualities I love about Him, and help my thoughts remain honoring to You!

Tara Davis

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