Mama, Give Yourself Permission to Receive

Sweet Mama, right now we are in a season of constant giving, but are we giving ourselves permission to receive? Because of our busyness, it takes a lot of effort to accept grace, to receive love, to rest in the Lord. However, it’s as important as the air we breathe. We cannot breathe out, without breathing in – we need oxygen or we die!

We only GIVE to the capacity we RECEIVE. If we take-in less than we give-out, we burn-out. Let’s stop lighting our own fires (working in our own strength) – let’s let the Lord light us, so we can burn brightly, bring warmth, life, and light to our little family and the world.

Below are 6 R’s – 6 practical steps, explaining how we can fill ourselves up and spill out God’s LIFE onto others.

• Remember (God’s goodness. Breathe IN God’s unconditional love and grace, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, your sins are forgiven. You are loved).

• Receive (God’s righteousness. Tell Him how grateful you are for His mercy – getting what you don’t deserve. Worship Him).

• Rest (in God’s finished work on the cross. Recognize you now sit with Him in heavenly places. I.e. Ephesians 2:6).

• Read (His Word).

• Respond (pray in the Sprit – live out what He says).

• Relax (free yourself from your own agenda. Freely follow God’s prompting instead).

Mom, enjoy your husband, your kids, and your life – you have many blessings! Pray with me:

“Father God, I rest in your unconditional love – I release my fears and worries, I breathe in your grace, your mercy, and forgiveness. I trust you, with everything in me. I lean on you fully, embracing the finished work of Jesus. Have your way – set me on fire with your Holy Spirit. Breathe on me. I want LIFE to flow out of everything I do”. ~Amen

Mari Jo Mast
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