Mom Tips: Christmas Week Two

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” John 15:5

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit!

  • Give yourself permission to indulge in your favorite treats. You know you’re going to do it anyway, so enjoy it with moderation!
  • Record Luke 2:9-14 on your phone recording device. Play this beautiful passage over and over this week to remind you of the beautiful night our Savior was born!

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband!

  • Take time to prepare your husband’s favorite meal this week. Have your children draw a menu for the evening.
  • Find some ways to pamper your husband this month. Have a hot cup of cocoa ready when he gets home, set aside extra Christmas cookies just for him, write him a heartfelt Christmas card, or just remember to pause the Christmas preparations to give him a smile and a big kiss.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children!

  •  Purchase a toy with your children for “Angel Tree” or “Toys for Tots.” Be sure to pray with your children for the child who will receive the gift. Pray for them to come to know Jesus at an early age and for Him to protect them and show them His love.
  • Make December reading time extra special! Use wrapping paper to wrap up your favorite Christmas books (new, old, or from the library), and let your children unwrap them before you cuddle together to read the book. Wrap as many or as few as you want. You do you!

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home!

  • Spend some time going through your children’s toys getting rid of the ones they no longer play with, and making room for new ones. If the toys are in great condition and you have time, consider selling them on a trusted children’s “buy and sell” Facebook page or find a ministry that gives gently used toys to foster or needy children.
  • Make homemade Christmas potpourri to simmer on your stove. Use apples, oranges, cinnamon sticks, cloves, vanilla, even pine needles…use whatever you have on hand and fill your house with warmth and a delicious scent!
Deb Weakly

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