Mom to Mom with Rachel

Dearest Mom,

Parenting is hard. Parenting in our own strength is even harder. So why do we have the temptation to do this monumental thing apart from our Savior? It’s because we, myself included, often lose sight of His hand over our lives. Please read John 15:1-10 for a beautiful illustration of this from the Word of God.

For the next few weeks, I would like to challenge you to simply grow in Jesus. Small growth is fine: five more minutes in your Bible a day or an extra prayer quietly to yourself before you get out of bed in the morning. Any type of growth and flow toward Him is good. These small habits will become routine, I promise. He calls us to be connected to Him at all times. He yearns for our lives to be a constant outpouring of Him and His faithfulness.

As parents, we are more fruitful when we are connected to the root system of God. As we grow in Him, He prunes and guides us in parenting. I was telling my husband recently how I am tempted to think that I am doing such a great job as a mom and that I have no troubles. I sometimes think, “Oh, this mothering thing is not too hard.” But you know what is funny? Everything “good” I do as a mother is from the Lord! John 15:5 (ESV) says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Throughout the last decade, God has constantly been speaking to me and refining me; He deserves the glory when I parent well. I want to remember that, and I encourage you to remember it as well.

If we remain in Him, we can ask for help and He will gladly come alongside us (John 15:7). However, if we push Him aside and try to parent in our own strength, it won’t go well. We are all ambassadors of Christ’s love to our children. God has blessed us immensely with these precious children, and it is our duty to communicate His love and tenderness toward them. I am praying for you this week, friend.

Blessings and love,
Rachel Jones and the Help Club for Moms Team

“This is the vision for us as spiritual parents: We persevere in loving Christ in our hearts and by our actions, in trusting in Him for what only He can give, and then modeling this to our children.” Dr. Michelle Anthony

Rachel Jones
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