Mom to Mom with Tara

“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Psalm 33:11

Hello My Friend,

How is your heart this week? How is your walk with Jesus? I find that as I learn to draw closer to the Lord, my heart towards my home changes. I see my children and husband in the light of His grace. My outlook on my responsibilities within our family becomes one of joy and intentionality instead of duty, exhaustion, and guilt.

Do you find yourself feeling empty as a wife and mother, and lacking the desire to seek the Lord? I do too at times. During these times, let’s pray that God would give us a renewed desire for Him, for His Word, and for relationship with our loving Savior. He wants to give you purpose and joy within the four walls of your home, as you walk out your calling each day!

I don’t know about you, but at times I can be my own worst enemy within my home. Sometimes I feel as if my family deserves more than my meager offerings. I’m not overly gifted in curating a perfect home, and it can be challenging to keep up with the messiness of raising kids. But as I run after the Lord, or maybe more accurately stumble in His direction, He changes me. As I humble my heart before my beloved Father, He is opening my eyes to His grace. And, with that, the whole of my home is bathed in the glorious light of this grace and what I have to offer somehow becomes enough.

Mama, your dear ones need you. In fact, you are exactly what they need. As you seek Him, God is taking you, just as you are and bathing you, your home, everything and everyone around you, with His beautiful grace. And that, my friends, is truly the light and joy of the home!

Seek Him today, and do not give up! A life of joy within your home and a baptism of the Lord’s perfect grace in the mundane awaits you! Keep going, sister!

Love in Him,
Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

“God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘Grace'” Max Lucado



Tara Davis

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