Mom to Mom with Tara Davis

“God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5 (ESV)

Dear Sister in Christ,

I have to admit something, I don’t really understand the Holy Spirit. It seems the more I learn of Him, the less I grasp. I’ve felt insecure, wondering how I could lack understanding of the One who lives inside me. But, the Holy Spirit is teaching me that, as Christ followers, understanding Him is far less important than worshipping Him for His greatness and power! I marvel at the fact that He, the Spirit of the Living God, is living inside of me, empowering me! Just think about that for a moment; the Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is also living in you!

I want to be like the early believers in the book of Acts who didn’t understand the Holy Spirit either, but prayed together and waited for Him; waited for Him to show His power, and waited for Him to move. They surrendered in reverence to that which they couldn’t fully comprehend. We, on the other hand, often get bored when we can’t put a label on something or figure out how it works so we move on to something easier, or something we can control. Sisters, this cannot be! To be so enamored with the Holy Spirit, captivated by the mystery of His presence and work in us, will bring the joy, peace, and power we long for. This week, intentionally fix your eyes on Him! You are not alone; you have the power of Christ inside of you! Open up your heart to Him! Let yourself stand in awe of Him because you don’t understand Him. The more He reveals Himself to me, the more I realize this is going to change my life completely, and my friend, I am pretty sure it will change yours as well!

Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

“The Christian who neglects the Holy Spirit is like a lamp that’s not plugged in.” Francis Chan

Tara Davis

2 Comments on “Mom to Mom with Tara Davis”

  1. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement and boldness. The Lord is so good and gracious to us all as he leans in to whisper things to our souls. As he teaches our hearts to seek and worship him. Such a good Father to look out for us in even that way as you mentioned above. Love this letter and how the Lord is teaching you. Thanks for sharing!

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