Mom To Mom with Kristi: Summer of Staying Week Eight

Hello Sweet Mama!

Can you hear that sound? It’s the roar of school revving up again. School shopping, carpools, lunches, and no more time at the lake. A subtle stressfulness settles in our stomachs. We wonder, “Are we ready to handle fall and everything that comes with it?”

Undoubtedly, letting go of summer is a trying transition, but even so, I challenge you to join me in unveiling the joy around us. Did you know that all the latest research on happiness suggests that joy comes from having a grateful heart?

Perhaps you are gigantically grateful for school to start and routines to get back to normal. Now, even more importantly, look high and low for ways to be appreciative of your children and your role as a mom. Your baby is soft, warm, and loves to be in your arms. Your boy is growing like a weed and will never be this small again. Your girl has such a gentle, tender heart. Embrace these good times and thank God for the little loved ones around you. Savor your moments with them because they are passing so quickly!

Psalm 90 reminds us to number our days, and Psalm 127 says that our children are arrows in our quivers and gifts from God. Thankfulness for the precious people around us is what cultivates joy in our hearts and helps us to be the gentle, connected mamas that stay richly engaged and love well, even as summertime wanes and school beckons.

May you have a bountiful and blessed fall!

Love and Blessings,
Kristi Valentine and the Help Club for Moms Team

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness- it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” Brene Brown

Kristi Valentine
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