On Loving Your Friends Well- Companion Guide

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what this master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:5 NKJV

Sweet Mom, we allĀ desire fulfilling companionship. God’s Word has a lot to say about friendship. There are many stories throughout Scripture about friends, their ups and downs, and their reconciliation. In fact, the New Testament writers tell us how much Jesus prioritized relationships. Christ himself was a true friend to His disciples and others (Mary, Martha, Lazarus). Jesus even calls us friends!

Sister, how are you doing in the friendship department? Are you in a friendship drought or having a conflict in your friendships? Just like marriage, friendships need work! In today’s article, I wrote about how to love our friends in their love languages. Have you taken inventory of what makes your friendships prosper?

It takes intentionality!

Thankfully, God gives us guidelines in His Word on how to forge friendships through daily acts of love (putting another’s concerns about our own), kindness (doing unto others as we would have them do to us), and patience (listening, consulting, and confiding). The Bible continues to give us instructions on not insisting on our own ways and warning us not to be resentful or to keep records of wrongdoing. Mama, Jesus equips us with Love. He is our example! When we imitate His Love for one another, we display to the world that Jesus lives in us.

Jesus wants to enrich your life with His unconditional LOVE. Consider implementing these steps to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him:

  • Spend time with Him and share your deepest secrets with Him.
  • Nurture your relationship with Jesus by meeting with Him daily.
  • Talk to Him, write notes to Him, and give gifts of service to Him.
  • Be loyal, sit with Him, mourn with Him, and pray about anything and everything.
  • Tune your ears to listen to Him and write down what He tells you.
  • Rejoice and be thankful for all He has done and continues to do in your life.
  • Fall in love with Him by memorizing His promises.
  • Tell your children that Jesus is their friend, too, and that they can talk to Him anytime!

Pray with me:

“Father God, I pray for rich opportunities for new friendships and to embrace those imperfect friends that I already have. Lord Jesus, protect me from cynicism or any resentment toward the friends that have hurt me. Give me the courage to seek reconciliation and try again. Give me wisdom and discernment, and protect me from false ideals. Help me to broaden my circle of friends and to actively pursue being a godly friend to others. Show me, Lord, how to model all your relationships after Your love. Help me to commit to meeting with You and growing my relationship as Your daughter and friend.”

Have a Talk with God:

What is He saying to you today? Take a moment and ask God to give you new inspiration and creative ways that you can be a better friend. Write any words, phrases, or sentences that come to your mind.


Rae-Ellen Sanders & the Help Club for Moms Team

Rae-Ellen Sanders
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