Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Strength and Courage


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Mama, in Christ, you are stronger than you think. The heavenly power of the Holy Spirit runs through your entire being. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit- the most powerful power source this world (or any other) has ever known.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He not only came back to life but also overcame every power of evil and principality that could ever come against you and your family. You are supremely protected and have been given authority in the mighty Name of Jesus to trample on any evil that might come your way and try to attack.

There is no need to fear any demonic forces out to get you or your kids; there is no need to fear the present or the future. The time is now to stand up and be strong and courageous in the Lord.

The world needs more Christian moms who will stand up and claim territory for the Kingdom of God.

We need more moms who will ask God to give them everywhere their feet touch as ground for Jesus Christ- moms who will boldly declare the Word of God over themselves, their marriage, their children, homes, schools, communities, cities, states, and countries for the Lord, and stand on the promises given to Moses and Joshua long ago as a foretaste of what we have now as Christians. We can take ground from the enemy for Jesus; all is not lost in this world; with Jesus, we always have hope and with Him, ALL things are possible.

So stand in your God-given authority today, Mama. Be strong. Don’t back down or get into fear. The Lord is with you AND in you.

Pray this with me…

“Lord, help me to be strong and courageous, knowing the Lord my God will go with me wherever I go.”

Now, go out into your world and claim your ground as belonging to Jesus. Speak out the Name of Jesus and walk confidently, knowing you will reclaim what belongs to Him. The devil owns none of God’s property; he’s just a squatter until we come along and kick him out in Jesus’ Name.

I am praying for you! You and Jesus got this!

With much love,

Mama Deb and the Help Club for Moms Team

Deb Weakly

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