Special Time Helps Us Stay Engaged

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Special Time Helps Us Stay Engaged

I have the end-of-summer blues! How do the delightful days of June and July disappear so quickly into school shopping time? Transitioning from carefree days at the lake or pool with my kids to the weighty demands of school supplies, new clothes, and carpool schedules makes me very stressed.

After a lot of soul searching, I realized that something deep inside me is grieving. I’m painfully aware that the school year robs me of my quality time with my children, with its long hours in the classroom, sports, and homework until bedtime. Next year at this time, my kids will be a little bit taller and one year closer to leaving my home forever. And I’ll be older too. Reality sets in that life is flying by.

Psalm 144:4 says, “Our days are like a fleeting shadow.” James 4:14 says, “Our life is but a mist that appears for a little while and vanishes.” What profound truth!

Struggling to adapt to life’s pace during the school year, I’ve come up with something that helps put my heart at ease about the fleeting days with my children. I call it Special Time.

Simply set the timer for twenty minutes. Then read, run, talk, or play with each one of your children. Let them choose the activity. Play a board game, kick the soccer ball, or leisurely walk to the park together. Be on their agenda! Finally, quickly record your time together in a Special Time journal.

Special Time gives my heart deep satisfaction because I know that I have made my children feel important and sealed into their hearts that they are my priority. Making this time for my children is one of the most meaningful aspects of my life. At the end of each day, I can look back and feel at peace that I prioritized my kids over my cell phone and social media. And Lord-willing, at the end of my eighteen or so years with them, I will say that I wisely chose to number my days with my family while they were still in my home.

Blessings and Love,


Go Deeper:

  • How is your relationship with your children? Is your heart fully engaged with them? How are you showing them that you prioritize your relationship with them?
  • If the questions above convict your heart, please don’t feel guilty. Guilt is not from God. Simply confess your feelings and ask your Heavenly Father to help you know what He wants you to do. Then listen for His still, small voice and obey what He says.

What’s Next?

Experts tell us that our calendars and bank accounts unveil what is a priority to us. Matthew 6:21 tells us, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Have you ever looked through your planner and your bank statement with the intention of discovering where your treasure truly lies? It can be a very eye- opening experience to reveal the idols or misplaced intentions in our lives. You can do this exercise on your own or with your husband. Prayerfully ask God to adjust your priorities according to His perfect plan for you.


Kristi Valentine
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