The Wise Woman Enjoys Mom Tips Week 4

“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a

The Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, disciples of your children, homemaker, and friend.

Simply pray about which ideas to try and keep this list on your fridge all week. Check them off as they are accomplished. You can also do more than what is suggested. We all are in different stages of our lives. You do you!

Do what you can and celebrate the fact that you added something new to enhance your life!

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit:

  • Keep Praise and Worship music on in your home this week; especially first this thing in the morning. This will help set the tone for your day with your children.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband:

  • Designate one night this week (and every week for the rest of the summer) as quiet night. Read books, color pictures or play a calm board game. Summer can be very busy. Slow down and spend time together as a family.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children:

  • Get those precious photos of your children off your phone and into albums or frames. Print your photos this week.

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home:

  • Meal plan your entire week on Monday morning. Make your grocery list and do all necessary shopping.


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Leslie Leonard
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One Comment on “The Wise Woman Enjoys Mom Tips Week 4”

  1. I love the featured Mom Tip for today! I remember how crazy busy the summers could get when my children were little! It is such a good reminder for us mama’s to slow our household down when we can. 🙂

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