Seeking God in Our Family Traditions

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you … Read More

Joy is the Writing on the Wall

Here’s this week’s Mom Tip in Action!! Grab your kids and do this activity together! Your kids will love writing on the mirror with a dry-erase pen, and you will be reminded of ways to add joy to your life! … Read More

How to Make Homemade Resurrection Eggs

Hi friends! As Easter is drawing closer, I have been preparing activities to share with my kids that will teach them more about our Savior! I have an easy one I want to share with you! If you have always … Read More

20 Minutes a Day to a Christ-Centered Home

Dear Mama, Did you know having a more Christ-centered home only takes 20 minutes per day? In our busy lives as moms, we can become so easily preoccupied with all the little daily things that quickly soak up our time. … Read More

The Importance of Our Thoughts!

Click here to watch the video! Our thoughts affect every single aspect of our life- our relationship with our spouse, children, parents, in-laws, friends, church, and co-workers. There is no area of our lives that are untouched by our thoughts … Read More

What Is So Great About Going To Church?

Click here to watch the video! Going to church is an IMPORTANT part of the Christian home. It builds a strong community of believers around your family that helps your children to know God in a tangible way. When they … Read More

How to Walk by Faith and Not With Fear!

Click here to watch the video! What battle are you fighting today? Does it seem too big to conquer? Knowing who you are in Christ will help you win the victory!

Be Inspired to Love Your Man Well!

Click here to watch the video! Be inspired to love your man well! Join Kathryn today for some quick and easy tip on how to encourage your husband and invest in your marriage!❤️

Bread in the Dishwasher?! What?

Click here to watch the video! Would you like some great baking ideas? How about rising bread in the dishwasher? Wait…What?! 🙂 Save this idea for Thanksgiving!!