Teaching Scripture in Your Home

“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” Isaiah 54:13

“The highest privilege and purpose as a parent is to lead the child in the way of Christ.” Max Lucado


  • Beautiful daughter of the Most High God, the Holy Spirit invites you to come, just as you are, into the presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The Father’s arms are open wide and ready to envelop you in His grace, peace, and love. Know that as you seek Him, you will find Him, and He will equip you with all you need to fulfill the plan and purpose of motherhood that He has called you to. As you spend time with him in His Word, you will be given the wisdom and the knowledge to lead your children and your children’s children into a blessed life serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Be blessed mama!
  • Read Isaiah 54:13 and Ephesians 6:17. Write these powerful verses in your journal!

Teaching Scripture in Your Home

Bringing Scripture into the everyday lives of your children is a powerful and important tool when raising them. As adults, we turn to the Word of God when we face a difficult situation. What if you could bring that gift to your children?

Not only does Bible study bring you closer to your children, it prepares them to be spiritual leaders in the world when they grow up.

The Bible is God’s way of speaking to us in our time of need. Paul describes the Word of God as the “sword of the spirit” (Ephesians 6:17). As moms, we must always be aware that the devil is seeking those he can devour, even our babies. Bringing Scripture into our children’s lives teaches them how to cut down the enemy when he comes, because when we speak the Word, the devil has to flee.

Sis, I know you look at your little ones as they play on the floor and while they sleep snuggly in their beds and you find it hard to imagine how fast they will grow,…but they will. And, one day, they will leave the safety and guidance of your home. When that day comes, you will want them to be prepared in advance.

Mamas, I urge you to add this to your daily routine. Teaching your children to love and respect the Word of God will strengthen their faith now, and long after you have raised them. For all of their lives, they will know and remember that God’s Word is a strong tool and that they have a future with Jesus forever.

Teaching them the power of Scripture now, creates a solid foundation for what they will inevitably face in the future. You want your fold to know that throughout all stages and phases of their lives, God’s Word has an answer to every question, a solution for every problem, and hope for every trial.

Blessings and Love,

Susie O’Neal and the Help Club for Moms Team

Questions to Ponder

  • Remember, my sweet sister, that you cannot take someone where you have never been. With that in mind, how are you making time in your daily routine to study God’s Word? What are some strategies you can employ to help your children develop a daily habit of studying the Bible?

Faith-Filled Ideas

Here are easy ways you can bring Scripture into your child’s life:

  • Memorize Scripture together – Make sure that you are choosing Scriptures that can be memorized based on your child’s age and ability.
  • Choose Scriptures that cover an area where your child needs help – Begin to teach your children how to apply those Scriptures to specific areas of difficulty or concern that they are facing.
  • Begin a Bible study based on the Miracles of Jesus – For younger children, read a miracle story to them and then have them draw a picture of the story. For older children, have them read the story and then tell you in their own words what the story is about.
  • Create memory verse cards.
  • Create a word search based on the story.
  • Have your kids create a play based on the story – Use sock puppets or create characters with playdoh.
  • Pray Scripture over your children – Teach your children how they can use the Word of God in their prayer life by setting an example and praying Scriptures over them. Your child will have a powerful tool in their spiritual arsenal, and you can rest assured they will be ready to face the world without you.

This writing comes from our book “The Wise Woman Knows.” You can find it HERE!

Susie O'Neal
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