The Challenge of What’s True

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”  Psalm 119:105

How many times have you been advised to “Follow your heart?” It’s a popular philosophy in today’s feelings-driven culture. However, real joy does not lie in doing what feels right. True joy is a product of submitting your feelings and emotions to the Lord and allowing Him to direct your decisions through the wisdom found in His infallible Word. This applies so beautifully to our journey through motherhood and marriage!

As mothers, we teach our children to align their feelings with God’s truths as well. Emotions are a gift from the Lord and can act as a barometer, warning us when something is amiss in our lives. However, we must not be mastered by those feelings! If our children are experiencing negative emotions, instead of simply giving in or silencing them, take the opportunity to help them learn to be proactive. Teach them to offer their negative feelings to the Lord and allow Him to redirect their hearts with His truth. Maybe your child is experiencing frustration over sharing a toy. Pray with him, discuss how God calls us to serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13), and help him think of a fun way to bless his sibling while he is waiting for a turn. Joy may not come immediately, but forming a habit of gently and kindly directing our children to the Lord will produce a great harvest of joy in their future!

Are you feeling frustrated with your children? God tells us in Ephesians 4:2 to “bear with one another in love.” You can do it, mama! When you are weak, He will be your strength (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).  Are you anxious about a situation with your husband? Philippians 4:6 says to present your problems to God, and His peace will guard your heart as He works on your behalf. As Tommy mentions, positive feelings are the reward after following the right path and putting your trust in the Lord (Isaiah 26:3). Do not let your feelings guide your life, my friend! Give them to the Lord, live in obedience to His Word, and expect real joy to follow!


Blessings and love,

Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

Tara Davis

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