The God of the Promised Land is the God of the Wilderness

“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.” Psalm 34:1

When God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, he set them on a journey to the land of milk and honey. Because of their disobedience, lack of faith, ungratefulness, and fear, an eleven-day journey took forty years.

Forty years of wandering in the wilderness.

Forty years of wondering if they would ever see the Promised Land.

Like the Israelites, maybe you feel like you are in a wandering season; going around the same mountain over and over again, moving but not really going anywhere.

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But God doesn’t always take us on the straight road. He often leads us down the crooked path, through a detour, and along the scenic route.

The road to our Promised Land can take longer than anticipated.


Perhaps there are things on the road less taken that God needs us to see. Maybe there are obstacles we must learn to overcome, roadblocks that are for our benefit, and lessons that can only be learned on the narrow road.

If you are going through a detour season , it can be easy to get frustrated, angry, anxious, and to complain.

Instead, trying praising the Lord—even when it hurts.

Praise him because he deserves it. Praise him because he is worthy.

Shift your focus from your present to his presence. Let every breath be a song of thanksgiving for what he will do.

God doesn’t want us to have “just good enough” provision. He wants us to have life an have it more abundantly. John 10:10.

Getting there may not look we thought it would. But we must learn to believe that the God who turns bones into armies and seas into highways, is making a way for us in our wilderness season.

The minute you realize there is nothing you will ever face that hasn’t already been defeated, your life becomes a song of victory that pours out with every verse and chorus that you sing.

Don’t sit in sorrow, my friend, praise God on the crooked path and watch as he leads you into your Promised Land!

Click the link to listen to my favorite song about the waiting season: While I’m Waiting

Check out our website for more information and ideas on how to get the most out of your 15X15 Worship Challenge.

I would love to hear your stories about what this challenge is doing for you!

Praising God at ALL times,

Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team

For more information about my ministry, Between the Gardens, please visit my website at



Susie O'Neal
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