The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Your Husband & Yourself

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:17-18

“I can’t promise you that marriage will be easy, but I can say that marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a treasure worth fighting for.”  Darlene Schacht


  • A big component of the Help Club for Moms is praying with a prayer partner for 10 minutes once a week. If you don’t have a prayer partner, pray
    and ask God to bring her to you. He is faithful and will provide!
  • Good morning my friend! How is your heart? Are you ready to grow deeper in your walk with your Savior today?
  • Read Ephesians 3:14-21. The love of God can transform your marriage unlike anything you have ever known!

The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Your Husband & Yourself

Inside each of us is an empty vessel we long to have filled with worth. We seek to receive this value from many places. We turn to relationships, accomplishments, or even a deeply held belief in ourselves to find our identity. Often as wives, however, we hand this empty vessel to our husband and ask him to fill it with our worth. At this point, we become only as good as our husband’s performance. When he has a bad day, we are shaken. When he struggles, our value plummets. When he fails to see us through the eyes of Christ, our identity is destroyed. But what if I told you this was never God’s plan for you? If you have placed the vessel of your worth anywhere but securely with your loving Savior, you have placed it in the wrong hands.

When we find our identity anywhere but in the Lord, we are left empty, shallow, and always searching for more of what we lack. When we attempt to gain our worth from our husbands, we become selfish, always needing something from them, preoccupied with our longings and how they aren’t fulfilling them adequately. We are not able to love like Jesus or to walk in the glorious freedom His love offers!

Sisters, our real identity is in Christ (1 John 3:1a)! He is the only one who can speak over us the truth about who we are and meet our needs according to His glorious riches (Philippians 4:19). When we are finally able to surrender our empty vessels to Christ and allow Him to fill us in a way only the God of the universe is able, we can begin to love our husbands the way the Lord intended (1 John 4:19). Instead of allowing another imperfect human being to determine our worth, we can rest in the unconditional, unending love of the Creator; a love beyond what we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:17-21).

When we are filled with the love of Christ, we can pour that love out to our husbands. Only then can we shine the light of Jesus to them in every circumstance and be the friend, lover, and helper the Lord has made us to be. When we are walking in the fullness of Christ, we are able to lay ourselves down and encourage our husbands when they are having a bad day (1 John 3:16). And if they are living outside of God’s best for them, our hearts can break for them and their struggles instead of because of them (Galatians 6:2). This kind of sacrificial love is only possible when our identities are completely secure in Christ. When our needs are met by the Lord, we are free to love our husbands right where they are and pray for them in a powerful way!

In fact, the very best gift you can give your husband is to pray that he will know the mighty, transforming, heart-healing love of the Lord! In Ephesians 3:14-19, Paul tells us that the ability to know the deep love of our Savior is only found through the power of the Holy Spirit. Wives, we must pray that our husbands will utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to know the vast height, depth, and width of God’s love for them. Loving our husband with a Christ-like love requires us to ask for this knowledge for ourselves as well. Friends, if we and our husbands truly knew this amazing love, our relationships would be transformed! All differences and disagreements would fade in the light of the Spirit of the living God within us. What better gift could you give to the man you married than to pray for him to know this powerful love?

Sister, when you are able to walk this faithful path of total surrender to the Lord within your marriage, a deep, abiding joy awaits you (Colossians 3:12-15)! When you are no longer wrapped up in your marriage and your needs, but are fully occupied by the love of Christ and the act of pouring that love out to your husband, God can begin to heal and refine your marriage through you! Give yourself completely to the Lord today. Pray that you will see yourself through His eyes only and that you will know your identity as His beloved daughter. Dig deeper into His Word to learn about His heart and who you are in Him. Pray, not just about your husband, but for him. Pray that God would bless your man with this great, abiding knowledge of Christ’s love (Philippians 4:6-7). This love will change everything, my friend. Believe me.

Blessings and Love,

Tara Davis

Questions to Ponder

  • Do you struggle with finding your identity in your husband? Would you choose to release him from that today? Would you like to have the freedom to be able to pray for your husband in a heart- changing way? Today is the day to fully surrender to Jesus!

Faith-Filled Ideas

Write Ephesians 3:17-19 on a notecard and place it somewhere you will see it frequently. Pray this Scripture over your husband daily. Pray that your husband will know the love of Christ in his very core, that he will walk in Christ’s love, and will live a life that is transformed by the love of Jesus. Pray, also, that you will intimately know this love and that you will find your worth in Him so you can begin to love your husband with the extravagant love of Christ.

Tara Davis

8 Comments on “The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Your Husband & Yourself”

  1. What a beautiful reminder to pray for my husband and again to rem my identity and validation must not come from him but from my Heavenly Father.
    This devotional has helped me a lot to go back to my first Love. I’m struggling with insecurities also. Searching for what will help me and I see this is the beginning of my healing and help.

  2. I discovered this group through the YouVersion Bible app. I was looking for guidance through pray and scripture for myself and my marriage. I am committed to pray everyday for my husband. God led me right here, right now for this season of my life.
    Sincerely a heart needing God’s agape love, who has mistreated her husband, needing my Abba Father to heal and restore me, my husband and our marriage,
    Lisa D.

  3. An eye opener from me. Thank you very much. I have struggled with this identity issue for years now. I will endeavour to pray Ephesians 3:17-19

  4. I’ve wrongly looked for my self-worth from my husband. I need let Brent off the hook and remember my true identity. I am a child of God; a daughter of the most High King!

    I love this part of the devotional, “When our needs are met by the Lord, we are free to love our husbands right where they are and pray for them in a powerful way!” I posted Ephesians 3:17-19 on our bathroom mirror. Excellent devotional, Tara Davis!

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