Love Always Hopes

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:7 (NLT) “Never, never, never give up.” Winston Churchill   Remember to call your prayer partner today! Keep it quick, and keep praying for each other throughout … Read More

Happy Mother’s Day and a Free Printable!

Happy Mother’s Day precious Mama! We are so thankful to be with you together in the Help Club! Sweet sister, raising your children for God is holy work. As Christian moms, our greatest work is raising up children who know … Read More

Encouragement for Bonus Moms

My dear friend, We hope you enjoyed the “Encouragement for Bonus Moms” plan on YouVersion. While praying over this devotional,  I thought about the things I needed from my different stepmoms when I was living with them. I felt the … Read More

Be The Fun Mom

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (NLT) “Next to virtue, the fun in this world is what we can least spare.” Agnes Strickland   It’s time to meet with … Read More

How About Hosting a “Rude Friday”?

Hey Mamas! Would you like a fun and easy idea that sure to bring a lot of laughter to your home? Try hosting a “Rude Friday!” Most every Friday night, when our kids were growing up, we ordered pizza, invited … Read More

Join Our NEW 2-Week Study: Overcoming Fear

Hey, Mama! Are you struggling with fear right now? It’s not too late to start our new 12-day study all about overcoming fear! We need this message in our lives so much right now ❤ All you do is download the free … Read More

Mother’s Day Special Offer!

Guess what is coming up in a little over a month?!? MOTHER’S DAY!!! Guess what would be a perfect Mother’s Day gift for yourself and one of your closest mom-friends? The NEW Help Club for Moms book. And we want … Read More