Worship Prompt: Ask God for a Revelation

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then … Read More

Worship Prompt: Ask God for Peace!

Ask God for PEACE! “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 Is there something you have been anxious, stressed, or troubled about? Take that to God this … Read More

Worship Prompt: Ask God for Perspective

Ask God for PERSPECTIVE! Sometimes, we get caught in our own reality. It’s very hard for us to zoom out of our situation and see beyond our circumstances. While we live on this earth, we can ask God for a … Read More

Song of the week: “Great I AM”

Song of the week! Our song of the week for this week is Great I Am- by New Life Worship! This song is amazingly powerful. It sings of the “Great I Am”- GOD! He always was, and is, and is … Read More

Why We Worship

We absolutely can’t wait to worship the God of the universe with you this week! Before we do, we would love it if you printed this printable, and took some prayerful time to read it over. In our busy lives, … Read More

I’ll Raise a Hallelujah

On the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah last September, we entered into the Hebrew year 5780. (The Jewish calendar runs from September-September.) What is interesting about Hebrew numbers, is that they are also words. The number 80 is represented by … Read More

Join Our Spring Study

Mom, do you… …desire a deeper faith, richer relationships, and more organized home? …know where to turn when you are overwhelmed or discouraged? …sometimes feel you are alone? …desire a deeper faith, richer relationships, and more organized home? Join the … Read More

My Weapon Is A Melody

Acts 16:22-34 I deal with a lot of anxiety and depression issues. When I go through these difficult attacks, I often feel like a prisoner in my own mind; shackled to a soldier of the enemy, fearing I will never … Read More