Celebrate Christmas WITH Jesus

Christmas is just around the corner! There are meals to be made, gifts to be wrapped, cookies to be baked, decorations to be strung about, and no shortage of gatherings to attend this Christmas.
But if you only do one thing this Christmas, make it this—don’t lose sight of Jesus in the frenzy.
I know it sounds cliche. After all, Jesus is the reason for the season! But cliches aside, taking this to heart and living it out has the power to transform the way you do the holidays.
Don’t just celebrate Jesus from afar this Christmas—do it WITH Him! I can assure you, He wants to be an intimate part of it all!
Before the holidays begin, pray this short prayer out loud and set your priorities right:
“Jesus, thank You for loving us so much that You entered into our mess to rescue us. I ask that in the midst of the busyness, You remain the focus of my heart this season. Help me to pause and look at You, and as I do, reveal Your love in new and profound ways. By Your grace, may I still my anxious heart and walk in the peace and purpose that You came to bring, helping those around me to see You more clearly in the process. In Your Name, we pray. Amen.”
Dear one, that’s what this season is really all about, so don’t miss the forest for the trees!
It is not too late to join our Holidays with the Help Club Bible study! We at Help Club for Moms are committed to helping you walk through this busy season well as we walk through this beautiful study together.
If you haven’t yet, order your book HERE on Amazon and together, let’s make this holiday season the most meaningful yet!
Deb Weakly

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