Daily Quiet Time for Busy Moms

“With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:10-11

Daily Quiet Time for Busy Moms

Do you struggle with prioritizing your quiet time with the Lord?  With small children to care for, my time can time feel especially scarce!  However, my friend, you are only able to pour out to your children spiritually when you are being fed through God’s Word. (Psalm 119:105)  If your desire is to be filled with the love of Christ, it is imperative that you spend time reading the Bible, praying, and worshiping.  Your time with the Lord is important enough to make a priority!

If you struggle in this area, here are some ideas to help:

  • Adjust your schedule. If quiet time isn’t happening in the morning, try it at a different time of day, perhaps naptime or at night.
  • Try an audio Bible app. Daily Audio Bible,  YouVersion, or Bible Gateway are all fantastic and allow you to listen to portions of the Bible while going about your day.
  • Baby-step your way back into the Word. An easy to understand version like The Message or even a good children’s version like The Jesus Storybook Bible have both touched my heart and drawn me back into God’s Word when I’m feeling far from the Lord.
  • Use a good devotional as a starting point. However, be sure to look up the Scriptures noted each day.  God’s Word is what feeds you! (Jeremiah 15:16)
  • Put together quiet time boxes for your children. Fill with special activities that only come out during your quiet time. Include crayons and an art notebook, puzzles, finger puppets, or playdoh.
  • Leave your Bible open on the counter during the day. You can read a verse or two as you have time.
  • Pray every chance you get. A relationship is formed through conversation.  Start an ongoing one with the Lord today!
  • Commit your time to the Lord. Pray that the Holy Spirit would direct what little time you have and speak intimately to your heart. (John 14:26)
  • Involve your children. Let your children snuggle on the couch with you as you have your time with the Lord.  They will see you pursuing a relationship with Jesus, and you can share bits of what you are learning with them.  Seeing real faith in action softens kid’s hearts to the Lord.  (Deuteronomy 6:7)

Do not give up!  God longs to spend time with you and will make that time count in eternal ways.  Trust God in this season to multiply the time you are able to give.  He truly wants you to open your heart daily to Him and His message of love for you!


Tara Davis and the Help Club for Moms Team

Go Deeper

Develop a plan to encourage daily quiet time with the Lord.  Implement the ideas mentioned or brainstorm others that work for you.  Write your plan in your journal and pray over it, asking God to inspire you to spend time with Him.

What’s Next

It is important for your children to see you pursuing a relationship with the Lord.  It is also important for them to develop a relationship with Him too.  Make time during the day to read and discuss God’s Word with them.  Buy a small journal for your children (even your little ones!) to write or draw about what God is speaking to their heart.


*Today’s devotional is from The Wise Woman Enjoys and is available here!



Tara Davis
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5 Comments on “Daily Quiet Time for Busy Moms”

  1. This is such a wonderful, practical study Tara! Prioritizing my time with Jesus is hard at times even though my kids are older. Thanks for all of these awesome ideas! I really appreciate you!

  2. Tara this is so good! I love your idea of getting a little journal for the kids to use! Thank you!

  3. Having a daily quiet time will change you and your family’s life! It’s the most important part of a mama’s day!Thanks for sharing your heart Tara!

    1. This was such an encouraging read Tara! I know BUSY and I suspect with a newborn and a toddler and a curious big boy you do too! So delighted that you have a handle on finding Jesus in the midst of these demanding days of parenting. Thank you for the wonderful advice to have your Bible open and waiting! Love the idea of making personal journals and prayer baskets for each kiddo. I have one for myself but never thought to have one for each of them!!!! Love it!

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