Enjoying Motherhood – The Holy Spirit’s Leading

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13 NLT

At the time of this writing, I’m flying to Austin to attend a prayer and worship revival. I’m praying for a move of God in our nation; we desperately need it. We have all been through so much this past year. 

I remember hearing from a friend in Italy last February about a terrible sickness going around the world. I felt so afraid and didn’t know what to do. Then the riots and political unrest began. The news began reporting the grim details about the pandemic and the violence in our nation. I felt gripped with concern and fear; I didn’t know what to do or what to think or how to act. 

I began crying out to God. 

As I read my Bible, I came across John 16:13, the key Scripture in today’s devotional. I asked God what it meant, and He showed me that two of the Holy Spirit’s jobs are to guide us into all truth and to tell us the things that are to come in the future. 

I started asking God to tell me what I needed to think and do and how to act, especially as a leader in the Help Club for Moms. 

As I waited, I felt God leading me to begin worshipping Him every morning for 10-15 minutes. Things really began to change for me when I started praising God and seeing Him for who He is-mightier than all of my fears and anything that was happening in our country. 

The fear started melting away and God strengthened my faith like never before. The days turned into months and I kept worshiping in my basement to powerful worship songs. When I would hear some disturbing news later on in the day, I would head back downstairs for another worship and prayer session to ease my fears. 

Later on in the year, I felt God calling me to attend revivals across our nation to pray for the government and the people of our land. I had never done anything like this before, but with the Holy Spirit’s leading and help, I went. 

God led me to join with other worshippers at these revivals to pray and cry out to God to heal our land. It has all been so incredible. 

This past year has been a year of struggles and victories for us all, and the new year is upon us and we don’t really know what is coming, but God does. I’m still asking Him to guide me into all truth and to tell me the future. I am also asking Him to keep me close, so I don’t wander out on my own. 

I have been so impacted this year by an incredible quote by Abraham Lincoln: “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.” 

Friend, if you are feeling as I was, gripped with fear and anxiety, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. He will guide you, speak to you, and keep you close. 

With love,

Deb and the Help Club for Moms Team

Deb Weakly

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